Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

It seems like it’s coming down far quicker than they modelled (again)

A month of drinking at home and watching war films and cowboy pictures

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@Bandage will have to verify that with his actuary.


:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

That’s my imagine of heaven.

our forefathers fought wars, todays generation are asked to sit at home for a year or two watching television and drinking cans

You’re probably wrong but you still appear more convincing than your real life namesake.

I have made a number of points there, which ones am I incorrect on?

If you take out the meat factories (over 100 cases), hospitals and nursing homes actual community transmission must be down in 400 or 500s at this stage.


Hard to believe not a single case of flu in Ireland this year.

Of course we never tested for it.

Lock up the hospitals and we’ll be grand.

The flu jab works. Science, science…

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Donnelly taking a hiding here

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Where did he say this and what was he saying before and can you fire up a few links there?

Some of these journalists are right fucking planks

I’d say there was some roaring and shouting out of them
“Everyone on the ground…NOW”

@Smithers and the bai’s woulda had a ball there you’d say

Doubt if the used the Ferrari though

time to reopen the lawn tennis clubs

That 50th birthday party of mine is further away than it ever was

You’d need your head examined to be working in a meat plant and living in a care home