Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

You need to grow some backbone.

Good man, I hear that zen is great stuff

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Self praise is no praise pal…

The hard left are real LiDtf merchants . The Shinners seem to be kicking to touch .

By whom and for what ??

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The hard left see societal collapse as the precursor to the revolution they’ve waited all their life for.


953 cases
5.77% positivity.
It’s done.

It’s almost as if it’s followed the pattern of every other flu season.
A surge in the two weeks post Christmas before petering out from there.


Lockdowns work ipso facto

Will we lockdown every January so?

Yes. No more trollies in the regional

A brilliant concept - A month of reflection.

We will not be pulling up the drawbridge

Dry January for all.

I had a stool with the back on it and all

Unfortunately not

There could be a lot of sheep shagging alright.

Socialists love to control people. They hate FREEDOM.


I wonder will they ask egghead about AOC

With only 5.77% positivity and the hospitals riddled it seems that community transmission is very low again.

We will probably be at less than 200 cases daily by the time this lock down is over.

It should be achievable to track and trace them but we have failed on this department twice already. When schools open its back to level 3 again barring the zero covid people want to close schools for the remainder of the year. No point in considering a proper pint until schools reopen.

The thing that most people seem to forget about is hopefully in five weeks the Israeli trial on vaccination will have been a success and that can be our road way out of this.

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