Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

The vaccine is HERE! That has almost been forgotten amid the hysteria over zero covid. Our way out of this nightmare is here.

We’ve spent €3.5 billion on the PUP so far. If we had put even a fraction of this towards securing extra doses from Pfizer we’d be half way out the gap already. Israel - for all its faults - put their money where their mouth is and forked out for its citizens.

Will we do the same? Of course not! This is PC Ireland 2021. Instead we want to be seen as good little Europeans and not upset Merkel or Von Der Leyen. Get the little pat on the head and forget about our own people.

We can accelerate our exit from these endless restrictions - go off and make our own deal with Pfizer or Moderna, independent of the EU and put Ireland first. But no, we’d prefer to put up with this abject misery because it would involve a bit of leadership and upset Heinrich, Franz, Dietmar and Jean Luc in Brussels.

I’m fed up of the whole thing. This is existing, not living. 10 months of this and it’s as rudderless as ever.


Ok dodgy, what do you think would happen if little Ireland decided to compete against the EU to secure vaccines? What do you think would happen to Ireland if 27 EU countries were all in competition for the same vaccines? How do you think we would fare out in that scenario?


That’s what the zero-COVID crowd want. Just to be able to point to some far off example (NZ) and say “we never tried it” without having an iota of a clue how to implement it

Not nasty at all. Kelly has done a full 180 ad deserves to be pulled up for it. Same for that hypocrite Boyd Barrett

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John Bull will sort out Paddy with vaccine yet


Kelly is a populist

You are a dote

We seem to have a massive inferiority complex with Dieter and Hans and these fellas out in Europe.

Proper leader’s like Big Phil and Dela were able to go over to Brussels and Zurich and these places and walk all over the cunts.


The Germans are dangerous bastards, making up dangerous lies about the AZ vaccine last night because they couldn’t get their shit together and get a proper order in

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I’m open to correction but there is nothing whatsoever stopping us making a private deal with Pfizer or Moderna in the morning. Nothing.

Instead we are held back by a misguided belief that we can’t upset our European “colleagues” as they’ve undertaken a piss poor deal with Pfizer. We should be unashamedly putting our own people first.

This is all about saving lives and stopping people getting sick. And what saves lives and stops people getting sick? The vaccine. There is no legal requirement barring us from doing a deal with the manufacturer directly AFAIK.


New cases are down BUT 3000 PEOPLE HAVE DIED*. RTÉ have marked the sombre occasion by having someone read out a poem at the end of the Six One.

*since records began

Agree with this. Zero covid seems to be the mantra for the opposition now. Mary Lou just now advocating for a 2 island approach and that Dublin needs to do more to engage with the DUP and the UK government and she did this with a straight face. All of this is being facilitated by our disgraceful media who are not asking them what is involved in going for zero covid, how long would it take, why are no other countries that aren’t on the arse end of the world even discussing it and what the aftermath of this policy would look like.


I think Boyd Barrett has been pretty much LITDF from the start?

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They really love pushing misery

Hold firm boys, only another year or two to go

John Bull always had Paddy’s back.

I can imagine the Irish govt’s zero Covid plan involving Dinny O’Brien and a contract for security fencing.

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it’s every man for himself in the eu, Von der leden rang Pascal Soriot last night and went mental, he was only laughing at her

I think Iceland and Cyprus were contemplating the zero covid approach but deemed it to be unworkable. Both small islands in Europe with a tiny fraction of our population and don’t share a land border with the UK.


The germans threatening John Bull last night, we all know how that ended the last time. Nadhim Zahawi made a great point today when they said they would turn the tap off in Belgium, reminding that the pharama companies are global, not just eu, John Bull will do his own deal now, he’ll bang out 10 billion vaccines in India for 2 pence each whilst Fritz can’t even approve a vaccine

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