Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

EU just asked AstraZeneca whether it could have some of John Bullā€™s massive stockpile of vaccine. After all Boris sucked the EU dry of its over the last month whilst Fritz examined his spreadsheets. The boys in the ERG are unlikely to acquiesce.

The Taoiseach wants to crush the virus and all its variants.

Thank fuck we have a vaccine.

Where are those vaccines stored. Be a shame if their paperwork was not in order for export outside the EU.

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The people of Poland have told their leaders to go shit in their hats. Conte has resigned in italy, the Netherlands are on the brink of civil war. Meanwhile Paddy meekly lets some camp Kylie Minogue groupie tell him to stay at home for another year.


I presume Fritz in his enthusiasm forgot to put in a penalty clause?

There was interesting polling a couple of months ago that suggested likely SF voters had the highest number of both OIUTF and LIdTF which puts them in a bit of a bind and is prob the reason for all the flip-flopping and fence sitting

We need to put the virusā€™ half back line under pressure. Force it onto the back foot and run at it

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Hammer the hammer

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Weā€™re standing off the virus too much. Time to break a bit of timber

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SF are mugwumps on Covid.

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Yeah. Sadly lacking the decisiveness and clarity that FFG have given us.

SF have now a huge populist vote that isnā€™t particularly left wing or particularly republican .

There was a vote last week in the European Parliament on Corporation Tax that was interesting . Mick Wallace tweeted about it . SF arenā€™t a socialist party per se .

Ok then, Iā€™ll correct you.

What is stopping us is we agreed to source vaccines on a Europe wide basis.

That agreement is in place. We are due well over 8 million doses I think, more than enough. Itā€™s secured, it just has to be manufactured and delivered.

That order and other countries orders are in with manufacturers.

You want Ireland to step outside that and call up Pfizer and say, here Pfizer, we want a load of vaccines and we want them now. Do you think Pfizer will go, Jesus weā€™ve entered into contracts worth hundreds of millions with the EU but fuck it dodgy pal fuck those cunts weā€™ll skip you up the queue there. Weā€™ll give you a better rate and all because you have so much negotiating power.

And the EU deal with Pfizer is ā€œpiss poorā€ is it? In your educated view? You think Ireland will land over and hammer out a better deal?

Your whole post is absolutely bizarre. Seriously, what fucking planet are you on?


The PUP is keeping the people worst affected by this thing quiet.

Heard on the radio yesterday, six counties including Dublin now have 40% of their workforce on benefits.

There is no end in sight to this, it seems the vaccine wonā€™t stop transmission and history tells us that respitory illness will always come back during winter months.

I think we are absolutely fucked to be honest in terms of getting back to the way things were.

I canā€™t see it myself. Still okay on my side though as Iā€™m in a fortunate position in ways, but this affects everyone, there is no end game. Foreign travel looks to be now goosed altogether and weā€™re an island ffs.

Copying the Brits is about the most this FFG government can come up with. Totally out of their depth. It is what it is I suppose.

2021 will prove to be a worse year than 2020.

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Would definitely be feasible for Iceland but Cyprus not so much Iā€™d assume.

I donā€™t know much about Iceland but Iā€™d say they have an excellent health system even if the supermarket is shit.

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Weā€™re OIUTF next week. A bit.


We should put William Oā€™Donoghue onto the virus.


Pawel Squareheadski is getting on with things.

Is the construction industry still booming over there?

Booming. GDP for 2020 is forecast to decline only 2-3%. Construction is flying. Next week all retail will be opened and possibly the kids doing exams this year will go back to school. Not sure about the bars and restaurants yet. The weather is shite anyway at the moment so no great incentive to go out.


It will be over by June. Iā€™m certain of it.