Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Would you mind doing one of your lengthy posts complaining about the misery of working from home and looking after the kids please. If there was an example of your wife running roughshod over you that would be great (make it up if needs be)

Iā€™m at breaking point and I need cheering up. Thanks in advance


The general quality of politicians in the Dail now is as low as I remember.

Community worker thicks and student politics snollygosters.

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That was a lovely poem there to finish the news.

Itā€™s probably the highest standard itā€™s ever been.

From Sinn Fein??

The country needed an opposition, but instead went for the magic beans option. You get the politicians you deserve.

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Itā€™s really not. Cullinane is genuinely thick.

Seems to be the case across the world, most notably across the water. I wonder is it, or is it a case that we see and hear more of them nowadays to realise just how bad they all are?

Iā€™m not married, pal.


The idiocracy encroaches. Combined with the narcissism of the social media age.

Indeed. Thatā€™s why weā€™ve a bunch of liars, illusionists and gombeens in government.

Social media shows up their stupidity alright. In Ireland weā€™ve seen a generation of lads who never had a job before politics.

Most normal people would not go anywhere near it now I think.

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Harris is the poster boy.

Iā€™m surprised nobody has ever really pushed his buttons on tv shows ā€¦heā€™s liable to say anything once he gets badly rattled

Here comes Mirimum to wag the finger at us.

Turn it off.


That FG lad that destroyed Pearse would make a holy show of Cullinane

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Blindcube Bunkbed called Harris out on Twitter today. He caught him with a few lovely digs.


The lovely Claire will be asking why canā€™t soccer players canā€™t stop hugging one another on her show in the morning. Cutting edge stuff

Can you post them? I left the twitters.

Bumptious ultracrepidarians on social media have given rise to the Kakistocracy