Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Fellas think they are going to the mart here buying a few weanlings

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I think basic political economy needs to put on all kids educational curriculum. There is a serious level of ignorance of what a small open economy actually means. @Thomas_Brady has been out for a troll all day but this post nailed it on NZ a couple of weeks ago.

My worst fears about the Brexit debate in Ireland have been realised. It was never about international trade, it was all about Brit bashing. Suds must be rolling in his grave.


Sure after the election SF voters answered the highest percentage of all parties that they favoured tax cuts over public spending. Of all parties.

This is a great thread I must say lads. Good to hear other perspectives outside of your own bubble, I genuinely feel for lads like @Juhgibney who are under pressure. Thereā€™d want to be measures brought in putting a firm stop on mortgage and other repayments while the gub sorry government mandate lockdowns.

Does the vaccine definitely work?

No but the placebo does.

Based on the results of the clinical trials, yes. Keep an eye on Israel, over 4 million vaccinated already so their numbers should be dropping dramatically over the next few weeks.

Are ye bringing in internment?

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In fairness, Iā€™m a SF voter and Iā€™m in both the LIDTF and OIUTF camps.


The three party leaders had a press conference at tea time, announcing the extension of restrictions initially to 5 March. In it, they intimated that restrictions would continue up to Christmas. When questioned why given vaccination roll out is mooted to be completed by September, Martin and Varadkar said itā€™s because they donā€™t know if the vaccine will protect against yet to be formed/discovered strains. It seemed batshit crazy to me. Keep the place locked down because of a hypothetical adverse development, because of something that doesnā€™t exist.


What political party hasnā€™t flip flopped during this pandemic?

Over promise and under deliver on restrictions?

Fuck off you dull bastard


this mouthpiece hereā€¦ wtf is that ?
its classic shinner oul third year in NUIG politics ( well not in his case), not one suggestion just criticise and blame in a completely inconsistent manner- attack the govermemnt when they locked the place down and wanted the whole place open, then when they open it up use whatever hindsight they have and ask to lock it back, anything to be different to justify ā€œoppositionā€ā€¦ if it was a WUM id say ok, boring now but this is actual genuine SF " politics"
what type of human being could vote for this punter?

socialists are the greatest dictators of all - the nonsense and propaganda these fools sell the publicā€¦

they should be in power the craic, id love to see itā€¦ make him minister for health there for a few months



Bookmark this post for your grandkids and their grandkids. There will most likely be mutations of Covid-19 they have to encounter known as Covid-59, Covid-105, etc.

Might have worked for Varadkar last summer when he accelerated our reopening programme, even if it was still slow enough by other countriesā€™ standards. But not sure people are buying that kind of stuff now, people seem to be well pissed off with the virus itself (a very resourceful virus) and the governmentā€™s seeming cluelessness. Iā€™d say lads were cursing at the TV screen and shaking their fists when restrictions until Christmas were being mentioned.

He was on Radio 1 this evening as I drove home from the office

If he was any more stupid heā€™d need to be watered twice a week.

but i thought joe public wanted a lockdown?
can we at least have a bit of consistency here?

Aside from his up the ra and fashion shoes gaffes, he often looks unwashed on his tv appearances. I was disappointed when Mary Lou gave him a high profile role.

We donā€™t want this lockdown.

We want a zero covid lockdown.

its incredible - they wheel him out a lot allright lately, i suppose in his role as ā€œhealthā€ spokesperson its appropriate ā€¦ youā€™d wonder what the function of them is- like if you are in opposition at least do it properly and have some veneer of decorum, intelligence and semi credabilityā€¦ the lack of a coherent opposition is to this countryā€™s loss

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