Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Eamon gloating about being tough on funerals

Kelly bating Ryan like a red headed stepchild here

Ryan is too nice to fight back. A nice man and a dreamerā€¦ No place for either in politics

For such an experienced politician, Ryan is very green.


Fair bit of competition in fairness

Heā€™s also a cabbage

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I will reserve judgement until they get in to government . It is an easy enough game from the cheap seats . I will give you one thing though that they are a step up from Cullinane

And a few steps up from the simple front benches of FFG.

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They may or may not be .

Heā€™s a hilarious sight riding his bike around Dublin with a big long rain coat on him.

Unquestionably are.

When you have the likes of Simple Simon, Eoghan Murphy, Norman Foley and Egghead appointed to key briefs it tells you a lot.

Coveney is about the only one in the current front bench with any bit of ability.

Minus the petrol heaters and plastic cups :+1:

A stove FFS. Proper set up

The two lads you mentioned there - can you show me their credentials ??

FWIW I am not trumpeting the current cabinet . Also Coveney in well overrated

will herself watch that Thursday afternoon NEPHET weekly passdown this week do you think pal?

I donā€™t remember anyone whoā€™s head has driven so many people nuts ā€¦once he appears on tv even lads that are bald are shouting ā€œfcuk off egghead ā€œ :joy:

Pearse has done more on the insurance industry than anyone in government, with absolutely no legislative power.

Carthy is an extremely impressive speaker, what do you expect them to have done in opposition. They win by default as they are not FFG who have managed to fucked every single thing up they put their hands on, scandal after scandal after scandal.

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When his head pops up on the internet you have to ask yourself. Is this photoshopped or not?

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in an unrelated breaking news story. one of the sisters in law who lives in Naā€™ale just outside Ramallah tested positive this morning a week after getting rev1 of Pfizer. 4 year old also has itā€¦the army stopped by earlier to ensure the whole family hadnā€™t left the settlement

Definitely. Thursday is modelling day with Professor Philip Nolan.


I remember this HSE clinical lead guy, Martin Cormican, doing the rounds for a few weeks last March/April saying wearing masks was pointless and would cause more infections due to people either not wearing them properly or fiddling with them.