Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Itā€™s not though.

Any word on our current R number?

125 more days lads.

Zero covid idiots have had their time in the sun.

The next two months is d-day for than the big pharmaceutical vaccines.

Other than the riots in Holland will be repeated throughout Western society, probably not in Ireland mind you but it will have to open up at some stage.

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The next 125 days areā€¦ah fuckit

Weā€™ll have to pay eastern Europeans to riot for us

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sounds plausible and if it correct, mankind has brought it on itself

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White people are the fucking pits.

This isnā€™t America

I bet even the Irish lads that ā€˜wearā€™ masks do so with it underneath their nose. Halfwits.


Shure how can she tell with everyone wearing masks

Youā€™re a very racist man

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If he didnā€™t wear his mask in Singapore heā€™d be put in jail. They have him well trained.

Heā€™s gangsta

We go again, stay safe brothers.

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Hes fierce gangsta.

Dan Breen wouldnā€™t spit on you and your Tan Vitamin D

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The lad on the joe rogan show was saying a bit of quercetin does wonders for the oul absorption.
I was going to mention it on the invermectin thread but thought the timing was off. I think he said turmeric and green tea were natural sources.
He also said take vitamin d after food because itā€™s fat soluble
I realise you already knew this, but I thought Iā€™d mention it for the good of the forum

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