Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

The Government are reluctant to an Australia Lock-down where it was really strict & took 7 weeks to get down from 700 cases



Ruh roh

@Tierneevin1979 looking foolish now.

the public also believed the hysteria around case numbers and convinced themselves that this stupid thing could actually kill themā€¦ thatā€™s the greatest example of idiocy of them all.
You cant actually blame the government here fFFS Varadkaar actually tried to push back on the NEPHET autocracy but then after christmas the more ā€œliberalā€ amougnst us decided they wanted more lockdowns as people were and i quote from on here " shitting ir now"ā€¦
,now obviously itā€™s fashionable to have a go at the governemnt but FFS what are they supposed to do when they state is populated with that level of intellect?

I understand that my data driven cold analysis on the virus is too extreme and practical for a weak willed society, i get that- despite the fact that this only impacts via death a tiny, minute cohort of population , but people cant see that - anyway,
my only gripe with the government ( aside from collapsing to NEPHET but again thatā€™s what the public want is lockdowns we have established) is the vaccine rollout, those prioritized should be that actual % of people who can actually die and they process should happen 247ā€¦ throw fucking everything at it, statistaically the 1.4% of those who are infected who actually die are >the age 75 or sick, just vaccinate the lot of the bastards ASAP and then call the fucking thing offā€¦ be very clear and direct about it and blunt, next year or whenever then whoever wants a vaccine can pay their 20 euro and get one from surplus as it dosent matter a fuck to me or you or our kids if we get this vaccine - they key thing is that very person >75 and people from that other tiny % of the population who have a condition that may cause covid to kill them get this thing nowā€¦

there is no in this together, that type of language creates hysteria and makes this a problem for everyone when in esssnce this thing is only a problem for a very small proportion of the populaton and if this was approached and managed in a methodical, clinical and clear fashion this situation would not have arisenā€¦

we all have ā€œpersonal resposibilityā€ for our own health, if you are in that bracket who can die from this or live or work with these people you stay the fuck indoorsā€¦ you dont close the schools or closes businesses - thats my problem- society is too weak willed to call this out and take this shit on properly and that is not the governments fault

even on the hospital admissions - again yer man Reid was saying its again punters >75 in most cases , we know there is some form of vaccineā€¦ just get these people locked away - it has to be done , call it concooning or whatever youā€™re having and vaccinate them prontoā€¦ thats how this is resolved


That slogan could actually get you elected!

the israelis have so much of this vaccine you can now just show up and get a vaccine at a kopat holim .
can we not buy a fuckload of it off them or just get a helicopter load of their paramedics over here in hazmat gear to smash up our nursing homes and vaccinate all the folk who need it most?
all they want is for us to buy wine from the settlements - its not that fucking hard

Just going over the story of the loaves and the fishes here for the youngsters schoolwork today. Jaysus lads Jesus was great all the same.

yeah but weā€™d have 1000s of @glasagusban 's screaming ā€œme me meā€ trampling on old men to get ahead

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That was a very pernickity editā€¦ā€œjesus was a great lad all the sameā€ was okā€¦

AstraZeneca has pulled out of a meeting with the European Union to discuss delayed vaccine commitments, according to an EU official.

They have to go

I see twitter is aghast at an RTE clip (news or Primetime?) showing Irish people coming home from Lanzarote. This a place with far less cases than Ireland, so arguably far safer, and also people travelling there had to show proof of a negative covid test. With no cases having been reported from incoming flights, it is another great report by RTE for the curtain twitchers and to shame all those cunts who dared to go on holiday over the christmas break. This from the department in RTE who had a party and posed for photos on a 2m guideline marking.

I dont watch primetime at all, but have they had any special report yet on how the vast number of transmissions are actually occurring in hospitals?

Have we moved on from that Coombe hospital family vaccine story now too? We badly need to churn out new outrages every week to keep this ticking over.


Spot on

What are you tagging me for? Are you still posting your big long hysterical diatribes because you canā€™t hack it?


Lads are cracking. Stay strong boys. Its nearly over.

Didnā€™t he save the @Horsebox of his time - Zaccaheus.

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Hmmm, I cant picture Horsey up a tree. Few others here perhaps.

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If it was a coke tree or a Heineken tree you could easily picture him up there


I pray for him daily.

I can really emphasise with this guy