Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Margaret was very sensible at Christmas. She only went over to Mary’s for a glass of wine with Bridie and Nuala on the Saturday night. Then out for dinner with the husbands and his sisters on Sunday. Met the women from the walking club on Monday night for socially distanced tea and cakes. Called to visit to Joan and the family Tuesday (because Joan doesn’t be meeting anyone). Had to visit her gran aunt Wednesday. Met Margaret, julie and Masie on Thursday night for a Christmas drink (but wore their masks whenever they left the table). Had her parents and her brothers family around for dinner Christmas Day and went to visit a few relatives on Stephens Day.

She did everything by the book but look at what those bastards coming back from England and the youngsters with their house parties have done. They are killing people.



Looks like you’ve found your Escape Goat :wink:

Lads coming from a country with a lower infection rate than Ireland is the problem

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Whatever you want to say about RTE but you’d want to be some cunt over the last number of weeks to decide ‘fuck all this talk about 5km restrictions and total lockdowns and hospitals bursting, I’m off to Lanzarote for a week’.


I know a lad who’s heading out there to an apartment for a month. He’s going to WFH there.


no!!! everyone has to be equally miserable


The thought has crossed my mind.

Yup a right cunt, going to the trouble of being tested before you fly on both sides. Actually using a service you paid dearly for. Cunts the lot of em, shaking my head and tut tuting here wildly


they should be staying in ireland listening to shite 24 hours a day and getting depressed like everyone else, I mean the fucking cheek of some people!


If you managed to skip the queue and get the vaccine sure what else would you do.

‘The trouble of being tested’.

It’s hardly a big ask. It can be done privately in no time.

I wouldnt do it myself, but I also wouldnt get worked up over it. They will have proven to have negative results. There are a lot of bigger issues with transmission than some lad who goes on holiday for a week or whatever.

What’s the cut off point …Would you have an issue with someone who owns an apartment there going for three months ?

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I thought RTÉ couldn’t sink any lower but waiting at the airport to bully people is not on.


“I have attached a grid that may be helpful for news writing, please download print off and have your child complete . upload to seesaw when done”…


I think any thoughts of going abroad on holidays at times like this are wrong. That’s as far as I have got,

One thing that annoys me is the government’s line about how international travel has reduced 90% since pre Covid levels.

I should bloody hope so!

Why does that annoy you?

It is giving context. Similar to how those reckless journalists were whipping up hysteria about mythical Texan tourists over the summer months.

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The E.U. are enraged at how many vaccines the U.K. have gotten and about how the U.K. is so far ahead of the E.U. in terms of vaccinating citizens.