Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

You’ll end up in CUH if you’re not careful with four of those bottles you lunatic.

You blonde bastard.

I see the fact Sweden had no restrictions for 10+ months and fared no worse than lockdown policy countries is still driving the LIDTF freak demented. Data is there for all to see. The mentallers of course are fact resistant.

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You wouldn’t want to be pulling me up on it horse, I never said anything negative about them, and very few do to be honest so I’m not sure where you heard them being singled out?

I was genuinely wondering there as they fly back and forth the whole time. In the main and I mean 99% of them are hard working, decent, friendly people who just want to do better. Not in Ireland to sponge or to cause hassle or claim they are owed everything. They are perfect immigrants.

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I’m the king of Belgian beer.

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They’re good people, absolutely.

What does the article 16 thing mean anyway.

I didn’t bother with Brexit so don’t know the ins and outs, I was for it as it brings a United Ireland close but what does this mean regarding the vaccines.

It’s a bit confusing as far as I can see. Both sides are entitled to use it but from what I can gather the E.U. are now saying that nothing can be exported to the U.K from an E.U. member.

What vaccines are they stopping the wee six from getting?


How can I help, Michael?

Ewan giving out about the Irish situation for months yet covid has absolutely exploded in Portugal. You couldnt make it up.

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Could you check the accuracy of my Shakespeare quote from Macbeth there like a good man?

By teaching him how to pour a can of Stella

They are blocking AZ from exporting vaccines to the North even though the whole problem is AZ have no vaccines in the EU and a load in the UK. It’s silly really. John Bull has stole a march on the EU and they are sour now

No. I have the wife doing it now for me. As soon as she saw the can , she knew there was trouble brewing.

What are we looking at here Mike…some sort of sadolin coated faux pirate chest with mildew added by owner?

That photo was an hour ago kid. Give it another hour and it’ll be a makeshift mattress

It could barely pass as a makeshift table

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So effectively, there is zero logic to what the EU are doing.

It’s like blocking the number of your ex because they broke it off with you.

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