Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Generally Paddy will give you a bit of grace. The brits are the fucking worst for it. Theres more gas in a wanes fart than there is in a pint of beer over there


I see twitter has turned on Dr Tony

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Paddy has more issues than the readerā€™s digest when it comes to Jesus juice. Thanks be to God says you!

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The penny eventually dropped with Sweden before Christmas. They are now following their nordic neighbours approach. Took a lot of fatalities unfortunately.

Maori Mike kid, its a cod.

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Ewan was bemoaning the cases in Portugal. They must be riddled with the Brazilian dose at this stage. Have we a status report from gort?

Not one iota of difference is it going to make now.
Whatā€™s done is done and cannot be undone. For to go back would be as tedious as to go forward.

Cc. @glenshane


Iā€™m not pulling you up personally on this one @maroonandwhite

I am sick of hearing about the Brazilian community in Gort being singled out though. And this isnt a woke thing. Iā€™m hearing it for 20 plus years.

They seem to be very decent hard working, donā€™t cause trouble and theyā€™re there for years now. I donā€™t think thereā€™s any need for it.


Huh? Why havenā€™t the deaths shot up in Finland if they havenā€™t had another lockdown? Are they not closer to following the approach you are obsessed with?

What caused it?

TFK is serious business so I donā€™t mix business and pleasure.


Doctor Tony telling the headbangers Zero Covid is fantasy land

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The king is not lickdown hardliners enough. Maybe heā€™ll get his day in court yet

Maybe the Swedes know the answer to your question. They seem to be implementing the same approach, finally.

Hes not wrong though. Cant see what all the panick is about. Weā€™ll get our shit together at some stage and a few will have to get a flu and covid jab once or twice a year. Job is oxo

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cc @endakenny


Ah now weā€™re talkin. Jayses I havenā€™t had a Leffe in a while. Must pick a few up tomorrow. A top top beer