Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

It’s the way of the future.

Get yourself a pretzel stat.

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It’s a bit scary at times I won’t lie.

I’ll still manage the odd kebab though


right lads back on point
a cod or not?

0.065% chance this nonsense can kill you - that’s the fact… every other post is nonsense and opinion.
now - given my well documented struggles with decimals i wont try and add a poll, can one of the younger lads oblige?

for reference - i believe there is a 1 in 108 chance of dying in a car crash… ill let someone else do the %'s

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I’d still opt for the predictive grade if I were you kid

Its a cod pal.

A mental experiment off the charts that humanity has never done before.


allow me to supply the facts - ill let someone else do the numbers and % risk
this one here
definitely a cod for those under 70…
we could possibly entertain some form or discussion >70 but it would be a toughish sell


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You’re a cod you gee bag.

sorry lads to kill the doom mood

If I wasnt there would be something wrong kid,

Everythings a cod in some way or another.

Are you totally truthful on the INTERNET?

What’s your point here Michael? Everyone knows the disease itself isn’t too lethal and I have no concern about contracting it myself. My worry would be more passing it on. The reason most rational people are obeying restrictions is we realize that the health care sector would be over run if we just opened up… Could you imagine if we didn’t lock down when we did in December where hospital numbers would be now? Completely over run … So, what’s your point?


well for a start you have fellas getting the PUP from the government…getting paid for not having to work… wahey…
lefties (in this country) are by and large dolers and people with a huge sense of entitlement who despise contribution…any wonder they love it


Worry about Israel mate.

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I’m alright Jack

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You’d think with rangers top of the league @Perez2017 would be happy.

Lockdowns don’t work kid.

We’re on the whim and a prayer of a few vaccines that won’t stop transmission.

End of the day, people that are dying were sadly going to die of the flu or some other respitory coronavirus anyway,

Its not dying of covid, its dying with covid.

When we were back in the summer Leo admitted 800 of the 1800 deaths were supposed Covid deaths ie, they were never even PCR tested.

I’m not saying he has an ulterior motive persay but look at it, PCR tests at 45 cycles give perfectlty healthy people positive tests incorrectly.

This lockdowns are a cod man. Masks a complete cod other than the surgical ones - fuck sake, if they worked we wouldnt have 30% of recent covid cases coming from within the hospitals.

I’ve a funeral to go to on Sunday, its devastating.

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Up the Ra

If that’s the story you need to tell yourself to get through this good for you. We all need a coping mechanism and anger and denial can work as good as anything.


Thats not anger pal.

Just an opinion, which I’m entitled to.

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