Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

do you take issue with my accurate description of left leaning voters in this country?
we can deal with israel seperatly but the major difference there is most of the working class are extremely right wing as they are radicalised by primative issues around nationalism. ( like SF voters here who swing left)
Israel dosent have a tiered benifit culture system like this country where if smart you can be rewarded for indolence. Instead as i have covered here before it is a capitalist “country” that has the basic structure of a communist state ( kibbutzim) so as a result the basic systems like health are very well established… hand outs dont really exist and look if you do fk all you’ll stay at the bottom

Now here, working class to social welfare housing estate dwellers would by and large swing left, they too would have a very very primative outlook politically but are left wing because the Mode of operation of left wing politics in this country PBP, etc defines “fairness” as “getting your share”… they have no intrest in work, economic development or enterprise , they define themselves as a group who want to better line the pockets of those who do not contribute by merely cutting more form those who do

do you contribute @Perez2017?

I 100% agree with that - we may not all agree but we should all respect each other’s right to voice an opinion and thank @Bandage for facilitating that

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Free speech has to be protected once its not hate shite etc,

The Tech giants have serious leverage now though. Its actually unreal and dangerous to be honest.

Likes of RTE etc are on their last legs.

its scary and those cheerleading Trunp having his content removed despite the fact that what he represents the votes of 60+ millions people are supporting a dangerous precedent.
The wheel will turn…


To be honest, a lot of the hard claws even on here can’t except a different opinion.

Its hard to see it in the real world.

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I work mate but if you have such an opinion on Irish life why dont you come back, live here and do something about it? Obviously your missus wears the trousers and you cant.

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Must be some life living in a basement in Laois, pretending to be from cork and supporting rangers.

That’s a mad stat, but delivered in such a way as to think you haven’t just made it up.
1 in 108 chance of dying in a car crash? In Ireland?
How is that broken down, 108 would be the occupants of like 20-25 houses

It sounds unlikely

its not made up…im actually suprised myself… i cant remember where i read that.
either way…when confronted with that statistic it helps put in to perspective the hysterical fashion how covid numbers are published…and you are right … all summary dated presented as such is misleading - it needs to be bucketed much like that side by side bar chart i showed a few posts up from i cant remember who it was Duke or someone ( its referenced anyway)… if covid numbers were presented that way do you think people would care?

A serious mugging off

You never answered @Thomas_Brady above?

What’s there to answer? Health services being ‘overrun’ seems to be a subjective analysis and political football based on what suits your argument. Pre-covid it was consistently overrun by winter flu. They decided to postpone operations and screenings of various other health care screenings during lockdown in thrall to covid. Overrun is a political assessment rather than any basis of fact re covid - it’s constantly ‘overrun’ without resorting to lockdowns. We should have locked down every winter when people were lying on trolleys based on that logic. And this is all ignoring the fact treatment options and outcomes are vastly different now to April along with a vaccine on the slate. @mickee321 has provided that data of who does and doesn’t die from this lethal virus. Deal with that.


How many of the punters who this thing unfortunately claimed would have seen out too many more days covid or no covid ? obviously its a question that may sound rather brutal but after the first lockdown we had data to be able to make that call.

There must be a trade off in every decision that is made…i said it back June that those folk in the crosshairs needed to be protected and given that the vast majority were already incarcerated in nursing homes extreme measures needed to be taken with securing these buildings and providing staff with adequate PPE and hope for the best. Tough? Yeah but we all have personal responsibility and by fuck if you are in a compromised position you sure as hell do… stay the fuck indoors if you are at risk

I would have let this thing rip thru the community- leave it off and get it done with … what have we done… we’ve suppressed, allowed boom and repeat like a sine wave and we are getting nowhere because we have decided to prevent immunity as we keep people suppressed

It was the wrong decision IMHO

The folks who have most to loose from rolling lockdowns have the least to gain… those who need the lockdown are already locked down anyway and have one hand on the departure door.
society made the wrong call


im sure he is well able to stand up for himself but i just did

I went for a nap at 8pm and it’s lovely to wake up to such nice words. Thank you @mickee321.


So, 0.065% is the mortality rate for the population of Ireland since Covid began, you can’t compare it to a lifetime mortality rate of dying in a car crash.

We don’t know exactly how many people got infected, but if we use 50% asymptomatic, then 385,290 people got infected so far in Ireland (twice the case numbers), based on that the Infection Fatality Rate is 0.8%. That’s a bit low for western Europe, the average across western Europe is 1.2%, but it’s similar to the US. As time goes on, it’s a remarkably consistent statistic, IFR range of 0.8% to 1.2%.

If you break it down by age group, it’s about 0.02% (2 in 10,000) for age 0-30, 0.2% (2 in 1,000) for ages 30-50, 1% for ages 50-65, 4% for ages 65 to 75, 11% for ages 75 to 85, and 21% for above 85. So, you are correct it’s a disease that largely impacts older people. The case fatality rate for those under 50 is ~0.1%, while for over 50 is ~5%.

One thing that’s changed over the past year, as time has gone on, more young people are getting infected than older people, so that’s driven down the fatality rate.


Over the average lifetime

cheers @Tierneevin1979 - great post
you’d never hear Feghal Bowers leading on 61 tho telling folk under 30 to relax as its almost statistically impossible for them to die…

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Have we really any idea who, or how many are getting infected based on a 45 cycle pcr test. 97% false positive if some article I posted in reliable. Where does this leave infection rates, mortality or anything else.
And none of us has the slightest idea of how long it’s been around…france and italy say September 19, comforting in a way…but is this based on our testing?
Est thing is to stoke up vit d levels, let the young people mix like mad and rely on ivermectin.

@Arthur has headed for the hills