Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Marcus Rashford, says it there below him

@mikehunt is a dear pal of mine. You watch your pie hole

Hes after ageing a bit

So has Clint


You’ve had your warning. Now shape up

It actually took me a few seconds. Hes Corona’d well . Piled on a few pounds

No, thank you.

My eldest is starting school next Autumn and I’m extremely worried about what faces her next.
I can see that the new normal in crèche of mixing with toddlers and not those of her own age are starting to grate. She isn’t interested in going in now as she is clearly bored and missing her own routine.

Having said all that, she’s healthy, bright, devious and cunning. So I can’t complain really.

This lockdown is good for no section of society and those who want to paint themselves as worse off need to reflect and think about that statement.

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Some people are worse off. This thing undoubtedly affects some more than others.

People turned to religion in the past during and after events like these. Politics is the new religion so expect to see more and more drift towards both political extremes. Things are going to be turbulent as divisions have already been sown. It will be interesting to see does the EU survive it
Climate change hysteria is going to be off the hook as well when covid exits the stage.

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Kids are resilient at that age, she’ll adapt.

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She will of course but we can’t but worry.

My Da is struggling badly also. Spring & Summer can’t come quick enough.

Point stands, no age group has dibs on who is fairing worst in this pandemic. Lads need to realise that their shit stinks as badly as everyone else’s.

It’s clearly bad for everyone but it must also be recognised that those in their peak of 16-30 age group are losing the most.

It must also be noted that as @BruidheanChaorthainn pointed out there are lots of people content in this lockdown, noisy Breda and Nuala on fb for example.


Bollocks… your POV but I couldn’t agree.

the lockdown is good for no section of society and as I was saying here Friday evening whatever miniscule positives it brings are dwarved by its impact across multiple elements of society who have no benefit from it.
it needs to be stopped. let the virus off , In the vast majority of cases its victims didn’t have long left anyway virus or no virus and that’s a stone cold fact…all we are doing is suppressing something and allowing it to rebound…
it was easy to buy into the fear in rev1 when we didn’t have a clue and fellas thought they might die…if nephet and the government put half the effort into locking down nursing homes that they do into meandering press conferences that are telling us the same information since March 2020 wed be in a better place

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The young lads missing out on prime years now will probably be indirectly compensated by the fact they’ll need to spend longer in college to hope to obtain a job in what’s left of the economy. Probably another year doing a masters will allow more time for drinking and riding.

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You’ve failed big time to put this into context. A year maybe two max of living under restrictions while being a pain in the hole should in no way hinder the 16-30 year olds. They will have plenty of time to make up for this.Its the older generation that will miss out on one or two of their twilight years.
You are being extremely egotistical in your perception of reality here.

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It’s easier to get angry and blame someone else.

The health system wouldn’t cope. No country has opened it up successfully. Many tried but eventually went back into lockdown. We opened for a few hours before Christmas and our hospitals are now in awful shape. Ask any front line staff in hospitals what they think of opening it up.