Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

I think these young lads would have bitten your hand off if the germans had told them to just stay at home for a few months while the war was on


Here you go, read it again. He did not say what you are pretending he said. You playing the victim.

your bit about January is correct but the next sentence is very much open to debate.
it depends what way you look at it… many folk are living news story to news story as in " the schools will only be a few weeks" or " the vaccine is here now we ll be grand"…there is no guarantee of any of these things and misleading folk is wrong.
now that’s why it’s vitally important not to be bored in life , if your job is gone in this thing get back to university or something now and seek ways to fill the time as this thing is here for the long haul.
without giving a hat tip to that rorys stories gobshite a lot of what he posts is true as many fellas only have the TV sport on TV and fuck all else. those lads have been believing stuff like ",it’ll all be grand " since April last year…now I have no doubt it will be but it won’t be happening in 2021 thats for sure…I dunno jesus now I cant for the life of me imagine being bored as there is so much stuff to do in a day but I can see how a fella in his 20s living with the parents could be…

if fellas are stuck go back to university…there is nothing like a deadline or exams in April won’t sort you out…you’ll be glad of sky sports news after that and in a year or two you’ll have an extra piece of paper…

but yeah…yer man luke o Neill et al…that shite from him is wrong really as gullible people buy it…based on luke in November wed all have been on the beer paddys day…look it doesn’t matter a bollix to me but I can see how when statements like that don’t materialise it can really add a downer to lads


Exactly. I expressed finding the covid period tough and you claimed I was playing the victim.

You are simply proving my point.

The point is that in all of human history people(young people usually, more often men) have had very difficult challenges to overcome, yours is not the first and it’s way down the list when you put it all together

But asi said, it is not exclusive to your generation, of course you feel that your struggles are worse but it’s no fun looking after 4 bored and slightly lonely kids either, you’d take their worries for your own if you could

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Luke is the anti Nphet

Can’t quite believe dev said that. Helluva spake

I wonder if theres some sort of article 16 we can invoke around here

If we all threw our problems in to the middle of the virtual room the likes of @endakenny and @BruidheanChaorthainn wouldn’t be long taking their own back.


That lad is definitely reading tfk

I was having a lovely morning around here until you showed up. I was peeling spuds with a glass of beer here and then you had to turn up

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You didn’t. You pretended another poster attacked you (played the victim) when he didn’t.

If you actually expressed what you are finding difficult and how it is impacting your life I’d say you’d find sympathy and good advice here.

It’s your choice.

You’re about an hour late with that one Mike. But carry on

I haven’t mention any of my problems nor would I. I merely said I’ve found the time mentally tough.

Plenty of my friends are the same.

It seems to really bother some people on here that others are finding it tough.

This is an attack but you can jump through hoops and strangle yourself trying to convince yourself It isn’t.

I’ve reached a compromise with myself and threw on a tracksuit bottoms along with a half zip. It was some negotiation though. I’ll have to get a few beers later for the soccer. That’s what swung it

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Sorry about that one, but you know it was a reply to a stupid dig you had,
I’ll stand over the point in the context of the other thread, that’s important, you’re over there claiming that the Irish were cowards for not signing up for the war effort in 1939, despite the fact that many Irish did, you were looking for a reaction and I stupidly have it to you,

It’s not like you ever said anything nasty about me, is it…

@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy Any word down the yacht club? Is the job still safe?

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A buffalo nickel to anyone who recognizes this lad.

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