Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

What’s this 16-30 peak of your life bullshit??
Gas shit.


These lads will never know the pain of lapping the nightclub at ten to three, looking to see if there was any wans who wouldn’t object to your slurred speech and all the Guinness stains on your bootcut jeans


Pity the poor fools.

The poor cunts in their 80s. Living in fear as they’ve been told they’ll die if the catch this thing.

Born during a war and growing up during a period of food rationing and most likely shitting in outside toilets.

And now. In their last few years they’ve had a precious year ripped from them and they hunker down at home afraid of dying.

And the young lads want a pint and a ride.

Shtop lads.

But you couldn’t be sure it lads are serious or not on tfk.


Young Ireland during the abortion debate - Ugh, come on , old people. Stop being so old and help us.
Young Ireland over the last few months - Ugh, hurry up and die, old people. We just want to sesh again.


Yes, my suspicion as well. Mistress Video Game…


Egghead Donnelly should ring a lady called Kate Bingham, she’s the head of the UK vaccine rollout programme, she can tell him how to it


1247 cases, 15 deaths.

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The likes of @Horsebox and @padjo

Woke when it suits them

Plenty :+1: in the replies :grin:

Lads need to stop panicking and jumping the gun. It’s gonna be grand.

I’ve a tub of Pringles ate

That’s a belter. He’s unfortunate with the :+1:. I assume he was just acknowledging the message. FOI is a cunt of thing.

It’s fizzling out shur.

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Skiing wankers again

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Only another 123 days to go lads.

I’m hardly counted as young mate, super woke though…

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I will be BREAKING THE LOCKDOWN next weekend to see my dad on his 70th birthday.


Have you not broken it before now?
