Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)


Not this particular one

Go with God and see your dad

Michael O’Leary gave NPHET and RTÉ a hole opening on Morning Ireland this morning.

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Roughly what time? I’d enjoy listening to that.

You have to laugh

Was/Is the Flu Virus typically airborne?

Do you think they’re just re classifying flu as covid?

About half an hour ago. Even if you disagree with him it was very entertaining.

No, he is pointing out that flu numbers are dramatically lower because World Travel has collapsed & population hygiene has vastly improved thus also reducing spread.

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What was his angle?

NPHET and government witch hunt against travel is blown out of proportion. UK will have 50% of the population vaccinated by summer and they’ll all be going on holidays. Very few young people get sick, RTE are scaremongering. No reason we can’t all be travelling again in summer, once over 60s are vaccinated the pressure on the hospital system is mostly off.


I believe the old symptomatic transmission was the textbook explanation, science seems to undergoing a root and branch review however

Heart attacks, cancer, and stroke aw well apparently

Are the numbers for them all down too?

They are in the uk

A load of waffle so?

No, to be honest I think he was spot on in a lot of what he said. You’ll have the space cadets saying it’s all a cod even Michael O’Leary said it, but they’d be wrong and misrepresenting what he said. He was accurate.

Guys, my worry index is elevated this morning. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say plenty of employers took the NPHET/government level 5 lockdown implementation on board for January but have invited/ordered staff back in from this morning, despite it being extended until 5 March. From my morning run around Dublin Bay North electoral area, I observed:

  • More than zero or one person waiting at bus stops;
  • Moving Dublin buses with several rather than one or two people on board;
  • Way more cars on the road;
  • Considerably more people on the move on foot with work satchels and paraphernalia;
  • Cars parked in several secret little free parking spots near the DART station.

At the height of lockdown my neighbourhood was deserted, it was a hive of activity this morning. With close contacts now being tested again, I might need to revisit that robust piece of work on case numbers I completed a month ago.


There is a serious level of apathy shown to the whole thing. People are frustrated and are simply saying fuck this and trying to get back on with their lives again. Many more are staying home and not travelling or making unnecessary journeys, but lots are just sick of it all, sick of the “advice” and sick of being told what to do. The flip flopping of lockdowns, what’s safe and what’s not, confusing advice and complete media scaremongering has clearly lead people to just say fuck it and take their chances. I cant say I’ve seen any changes myself, I dont travel very much and my office is at my home, so its not leading me to be out and about much, but it doesnt surprise me to hear your work commute story.