Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

17 likes so far for this bullshit. Christ above. Pathetic.

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Most of it was spot on. With a few wild exaggerations thrown in for effect to wind people up.

It’s mostly the same ranting nonsense he has been recycling for months, and you’d want to be fairly weak minded to agree with it.

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Maybe most of it being spot on was an exaggeration on second reading :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:I liked the bits about kids. Carrie was a good one. There are still honestly some parents who believe their kids are in with a good chance of dying from this. ‘I’m not sending them to school I’m keeping them safe with me, I’d rather they missed their friends than ended up dead’. Loads on those schools groups on Facebook. That is mad stuff.

It’s dangerous to measure things on TFK via likes.

Do your own thing. It’s better for your zen.

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Excellent post. The safety of others are far from the minds of the OIUTF crew. Luckily the majority of decision makers don’t share their selfishness.

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Just give the post a like and jog on. That’s the way things are done these days.

That’s about as sensible as saying the lidtf don’t give a damn about depression, self harm, suicide, child abuse, cancer sufferers, heart attacks etc


Except that is literally what you are doing. A great many people are still at work, all to keep other portions of the population not only fed and watered, but receiving the same consumer items they crave.

Lockdown “works” because of this, opening up a two tier society of the WFH heroes and others.

It is a bit beyond your levels of thinking, but for all of it’s faults, it is a consideration of the Great Barrington Declaration. That is that it is immoral to continuously ask certain portions of society to stay at home and not others.

As has been pointed out to you, many of the arch Brexiteers are fully in favour of lockdowns such as Neil O’Brien. There has been this effort to characterise Gupta as one of the Koch brothers, she comes from the left in fact. One of her primary concerns is global hunger caused by this. Indeed this is a concern expressed by the WHO, who have repeatedly said that overuse of lockdowns and travel restrictions lead to this.

One of the great concerns out there is not to have “age apartheid”, but there is actually quite a clear accepted apartheid between certain types of jobs. They can go out there to fulfill the needs of others for months on end, whilst those people heroically sit at home. And this leads to further consequences, for example teacher unions objecting to going back to work. This was warned about in April, when Denmark opened their schools and warned of the consequences of not. At the time, our real leader Tony Holohan said absolutely not when Varadkar suggested it. Martin spent nearly all of his political capital in keeping them open until Christmas and now children are going to miss another large chunk of their education. That is the problem with putting this all on a pedestal, teachers start to ask why should they risk themselves if others aren’t? And all of that leads to others not getting the education they deserve. It’s very easy for people who have got their education and lived a lot of their life to not give a damn about others when they have been through it, and when they will look after their own children’s education.

You’ve gone through this like Mike making up positions of people. There might be people who are more hardcore or less on being anti lockdown, but there are a range of views. I have always advocated strong testing and tracing, increasing hospital capacity, strong regulation of bars and restaurants and flooding the country with money where need, all of which requires a lot of State intervention. Indeed I’d argue that this is a far more activist “State”, giving stronger responsibilities to them than just borrowing money from future generations to pay people to sit at home.

I do not think Great Barrington is practical, but it is far more thought through from a “ethical/philosophical/political/medical crux” perspective than just LoCkDoWn FoReVeR.


Nor do they care about the shop keeper selling them their goods, the lorry drivers going all over Europe to pick up those goods, the delivery drivers bringing them etc. going out for months on end so WFH heroes can get new consumer goods as a pickmeup from how hard lockdown is.

I think the “ethical/philosophical/political/medical crux” of some people being told to keep going to work when the health authorities warn about ever going outside to the WFH heroes is a bit beyond him. Is it fair that some get €350 a week to stay at home whilst others are continually told to go out into the wilds of the riskiest virus ever known to mankind?

But if we go further, from a “ethical/philosophical/political/medical crux”, is it fair on the person thrown out of their job to go on €350 a week to live like that? How can they plan anything, how can they achieve self actualization by sitting at home FoReVeR?


So it’s not at all disrespectful to the deceased and their families (by your definition) for lads to be saying the whole thing is a cod because they haven’t as large an audience? What’s the cutoff of people to hear what you have to say?

I personally wouldn’t think it matters whether one person hears or 100 million, if somebody says something disrespectful then that’s what it is

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:grinning: :grinning:

@Malarkey is a big Tory man.

I can see why he’s upset.

You save a large part of your criticism for her specifically, despite her laying out her reasons clearly on a left wing front. It’s very strange given how many different people advocate what she does. The opprobrium towards her from places like the Guardian has been interesting to see.

I guess it’s because she is a female and seen as a traitor, classic sexism on show.


Excellent post.

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I’m sorry but that is the greatest load of rubbish I’ve ever seen posted on this forum.

You are trying to compare people expressing their opinions on a forum to rte/the government using in-correct numbers to pedal agendas and decide the future of peoples livelihoods on a whim.

It is incredibly offensive to the deceased and their families they are being used as pawns in this pandemic.

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She cares as much about the starving as you do about the truck drivers going to Europe.

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More making stuff up, when that’s what your arguments get to, we know you’ve lost. :smiley:

Or you do about domestic violence victims.