Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Pat Kenny went in hard on Donnelly this morning

I found myself nodding in agreement there. Without hospital capacity being increased how can reopening be truly possible? You canā€™t trust people to keep their distance and act responsibly in public places, weā€™ve seen that and itā€™s not really debatableā€¦ People wonā€™t take personal responsibility so the state is being forced to take it for them.

:grinning: :grinning:

You backed the wrong horse when you signed up with the likes of Gupta. By bringing her up youā€™re only highlighting how wrong she and you were. Much like @Tierneevin1979 saying Sweden was done with Covid yeā€™ve called everthing arseways. Thankfully those who came up with these ramblings were largely ignored.

Ivermectinā€¦you could easily reduce hospital capacity

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Big pharma wonā€™t allow it.

The public react to the numbers and warnings, when those things arenā€™t being gamed and they are fresh.

We always had a few weeks from the surge until that is reflected in hospitals, and people moderate their behaviour before then. Thatā€™s what has been shown time and and time and again in ā€œcontrolledā€ environments. Peak hospitalisations last for a few weeks, you hear about them being about to be overrun. Then nothing.

There is nothing wrong with Government mandated restrictions but they have to be proportionate.

And againā€¦you bring up Sweden. And canā€™t read the posts.

A record day of deaths yesterday, all after 3 lockdowns. But keep em coming sure.

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Do people genuinely believe we are going to eradicate Covid from the face of the earth?

Itā€™s here for life, guys.

Agreedā€¦ Short lockdowns ā€¦ The reporting of this has been a big issue from the off. Lads saying lockdowns are immoral, for me what RTE has been doing is far worse. Iā€™m being calm about things now as anger serves no purpose but RTE are firmly in my sights for when this is all over.

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Have you not seen the zero Covid plan?

Are red zones for communists?

Iā€™m a communist.

Shots may need to be fired

Shots will be fired. I can see a team effort here.

Iā€™ve given that a like

ā€œCircuit breakersā€ unfortunately do not seem to work. I had optimistically posted a piece from an Independent SAGE member who was a proponent of them. They seem to have an even worse impact when you come out of them, Wales being an example and Ireland is also an example. You just store up the problem more, moving the curve to being heavier than before.

Restrictions on things like indoor dining are fine. For example Boston, a liberal and progressive city, that has kept them open with heavy restrictions. They have not had the wild surges since the initial flurry, with natural population immunity a part of that. As cases increase, do put some more restrictions on these businesses, but allowed them to trade if they can. And put in Government supports on the other end where that is not possible. Do not store up an issue like Christmas here, where our public health authorities and Government used another lockdown with cake at the end offered.

Utterly bizarre from them. I watched their whole presentation and it was incoherent and nuts, just boiling down to McConkey saying that we can get the North on board by admitting that Home Rule was Rome Rule.


But without increased hospital capacity you have to shut down if ICU numberā€™s rise. That should be the only reason to lockdown, not how many cases they are arbitrarily reporting through the media

Thereā€™s no point talking about anything other than vaccines at this stage


Yes but if the restrictions only end when everyone is vaccinated why bother following the restrictions? (Provided youā€™re not putting anyone else at risk)

Iā€™m merely reminding you as it seems you have forgotten how wrong you got it.

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