Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)


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We need to open it up, people’s mental health is suffering…

Society opens up:

New study shows young people have anxiety about being in public places since the country reopened. Exports say a phased reopening should have been introduced.

Government sets up hotline for people suffering anxiety about leaving their home:

There’s growing anger among youth activists due to the government not making the mental health hotline available through free apps. They say most young people operate devices from WiFi and don’t have access to regular phone services… This has created much anxiety and a sense of alienation among many young people.

Government creates a free app with video call feature:

Study finds young people feel anxious about having to show their face while speaking to someone about their anxiety.

The struggle is real.

Go for a walk.

Don’t oppress me.


You’ve been scrambling around here all day talking through your hole and looking for a bite. A bit of fresh air would do you the world of good. A run even. You could have a nice glass of wine after when you’ve called down a bit.


Hospital admissions in UK falling dramatically.


Did you ever think you’d live to see this


I love how po faced the Gardai are about any law they are told to enforce.

Then the causal Anthropomorphism thrown in to hammer it home.

Someone told me during the week they are going to save the 1k to pay the fine and go on holiday. Covid premium.

It’s like back in the day, taking a day or two off school and forging the note from the mother, shitting it in case the school would ring to verify

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Never too late to get an education mike

Woodwork was my favourite class

Great policing

The only one who could ever reach me
Was the son of a preacher man

George Lee sporting what looks like a fresh haircut on the 9 o’clock news. Questions need to be asked.