Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

More re-opening announced here from 14th February. Hotels to 50% occupancy, ski slopes, restaurants, swimming pools, cinemas and theatres to 50% occupacny, outdoor amateur sport permitted. No update on schools who continue to run online except for the youngest groups.

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No certainty, and even I it did, issues of immunity…had new variant ruses occurred to them at that point.
They’ll not give up their sense o importance easily.

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FBD lose their case

You benefit @Lazarus


There are 4,000 variants of Covid. There are also hundreds of varieties of strawberries. They are still strawberries.

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mackonky was is superb form on newstalk earlier

Floodgates about to open for the insurance industry. But I’m sure they will pass it on in the form of higher premiums.

Paddy always copies what John Bull does a few months down the line

Its yer only hope out of the lockdown too, when they see John Bull opening up fully in the next couple of months

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What did he say?

Everyone should wear an ankle tracker so that it can be monitored that if they are outside their house they are moving fast enough for it to be considered excercise. Anyone who strays outside the 5km will have their names published in a list for public shaming and repeat offenders will be stoned to death

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All fair enough

Should this be made priority ahead of the vaccine logging?

Vaccines have caused the worry index to fall so they’ll be banned altogether

Sounds like it could trigger a few fellas on here, so go for it.

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Ringo seems like a reputable source

One of the family that own the Star


We all need a little help from our friends


@artfoley has nothing to worry about so.
