Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Should he not be listening to the experts

He is the expert

Do you think the courts in Ireland would protect children from tony and his fellow mask fetishists?


My kids are playing away with other kids going to their houses etc too. They werent in March and April. Feel a bit bad that they have to lie about this on the zoom call to teacher though.
Is everyone doing the same do you think?


I’d say not, but fair play to you

I suspect it’s sort of a class/perceived respectability thing,
Where I live all the kids play together, they call to the doors but they wouldn’t dream of going in, nor would they be invited.
But most of the kids I teach are doing as they please,
A generalisation obviously but I suspect it’s true

Yeah true. My wife would be scobey enough though she’s organising play dates left right and centre


Only 26,000 odd doses as well. If it was 126,000 it might be worth shouting about.

Jesus. If that’s all that stopping you need your head examined. Any guard would wave you on.


yeah for sure.
but as I said before in LD 1 in most cases that wasn’t the way as nobody knew what they were dealing with (our fella didn’t leave the back yard).but since July or so that mindset is finished.

schools were closed to prevent a mass movement of people at 9am and 3pm per nephet in jan…it was actually never stated that children shouldn’t mix as there is no supporting data to say they should not other than anecdotal stories

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They don’t stop the train kid

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Some Deliveroo boy will be hauled in one night.

He could hide up in the girls attic then like anne Frank and pop down at night to service them.

Great to see the Penny drop with lads that restrictions are here till Christmas. It’s tough going posting here at times when you’re six months ahead of everyone else

cc @TheUlteriorMotive


I heard it was fizzling out

Five more years of it for this fella

zen will never be as important.


ICU 178

@balbec would’ve had’im

Bit OTT there