Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

No appetite to push back unfortunately.

None of us needed to read that today either.

There will be a good few lads who will leave and never come back.

Iā€™m actually flying it physically at the moment. Not sure virtual marathons or iron mans really appeal to me. Planning for my four or five matches at the end of the year instead.

Iā€™m still struggling to understand if all the vulnerable are vaccinated by May why we canā€™t OIUTF.

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John Bull and the North will be open for business by June, the pressure will be immense on General Holohan


Herr Holohan is not for turning.


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To think there was lads on here sneering about the Brits being fucked for voting to leave the EU.

Maybe the hundreds of thousands of jobs all went to Frankfurt. Havent heard about too many going to Dublin.

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The waltz, tango, cha cha?

177 in icu. This was 211 a couple weeks ago.

George Gee will be on soon to tell us that cases are only down because itā€™s the weekend.

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Egghead boasting on social media again about receiving a delivery of vaccine, they are starting to administer it on Monday! FFS why are they not doing it straight away or at the very least tomorrow morning?

Shure Bridie who counts the vials and writes the number down in a notebook isnā€™t in until Monday.


look everything you describe there is fine and I can assure you that every man here is having a few neighbours friends over and vice versa and having playmates / homework groups for kidsā€¦it would be reckless and irresponsible for mental health especially children to lock them up with family all day.
there are some people tho like that older chap tho who may live in a rural area and dancing that was his life has been taken away from him under this hysterical nonsense of keeping cases down.

but Brian is right and he echoes everything I saidā€¦absolutely get it out of your head restrictions are lifting any time soonā€¦its not happening, go and have a few drinks with your pals man as it wonā€™t make fuck all of a difference , the situation is out of all our hands, you staying at home is not going to change anything and donā€™t buy the nonsense of this collective effort.
We are living with civid . CMO words not mineā€¦that means until it burns out like it would have done if we let it rip we re here for the long haul.

if you arenā€™t working get back into education ASAP, if you are working id advise the sameā€¦deadlines make no the days fly and you ll welcome 2 weeks off of doing fk all.
if you work in say engineeringā€¦be an expert. I say it to my guys. if youā€™re designing I donā€™t know transistors or pipes ā€¦be an expert on the thermodynamics, read that physics book from first year, learn it backwards,question fuckijg everythingā€¦why am i doing this?..there is so much for a man to do in a dayā€¦


God help us if Bridie takes a day off

its not like there is a crisis or anything

If we can get by without @Tassotti weā€™ll get by without them

Have you ever heard the story of the tortoise and the hare?

Is it the case that the CMO or NPHET has gone against NIAC?

If itā€™s a solo run itā€™s outrageous.

That appeared to be the case.

Dr Tony is the most powerful man in Ireland. By decree of Breda and Nuala. He can do what he likes and he knows it


God help Ireland with that lunatic in power

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