Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Tough out.

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What’s the famous chant, Two world wars and 2 pandemics ?

That is some age!

Time to tool up lads.

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The astrazeneca has been pulled from the over 70’s cos they haven’t a clue how to give it out and they haven’t enough of it anyway. Holohan saying it wouldn’t be wasted means its all going to be used on healthcare workers.

There is fuck all covid out there. It is only in hospitals between staff and patients. The deaths are only in nursing homes.

The government are relying on the Johnson and Johnson vaccine that is one shot and doesn’t need the low temperatures. They are already working on that roll out. There will be no roll out of any other vaccine.

You’ll be drinking pints in July. Events will be back on by September and that is after consultation with the Government. The Government are only playing things down so they’ll take credit when the elderly and vulnerable get the Johnson and Johnson vaccine from April and things can open up from May/June and everyone will think how great a job they did.

They are also hoping everyone will forget how much of a shit show they made of Christmas and opening all shops and hospitality.

My barber done a nixer last week and I drank a load of pints when I was down the country on business for two nights. Both were badly needed.


I tip into this thread once a day to get the lie of the TFK land on covid. By god @johnnysachs has being playing a blinder the past few weeks.



Wrong direction

What’s your view on it all?

CJH would run rings around the current lot

Why do you do this to yourself? It’s been explicitly stated that zero covid is not the goal.

Same here. Persistently around 5000 cases a day.

Relax and make up your own mind

How many cases from community transmission?

Pretty much how I think it will go.

It’s all gonna be okay. Lads need to relax and we’ll be back at it in no time

David taking Zero-Covid’s Aoife argument apart using data.

It is striking how little data the Zero-Covid crowd provide to back up their plans. No modelling, no plans, no evidence other than repeated references to NZ. And this from scientists.


Look, it’s only a Mickey mouse lockdown compared to France or China, curfews are required

The tans are turning. It all started to fall apart on channel 4 news. Some global health bint is close to tears at having to face a dissenting voice.

A police state and this island is a prison. At least the brits allowed you to go to oz