Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

The world was in recession, but we were bankrupt. Big difference.

Also, forget looking to the USA and UK. We are part of the EU, we do what they do.

I know thereā€™ll be restrictions of some sort in play for a long timeā€¦ But with all over 65s vaccinated they have no reason not to open society back up , in restricted fashion.

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Those two will lead coming out of restrictions and Europe will quickly have to follow. By that time they will have a large chunk of their populations vaccinated whilst we might have at risk people done.

I disagree strongly. Iā€™m not sure why though as Iā€™m completely guessing.

When I started my End the Lockdown Group I was really trying to position myself up for the later stages of the pandemic. It was obvious early on that the powers-that-be were never going to relinquish their control without a fight. My Group was a resounding failure because of the complete and utter mentallers it attracted but it was still a fantastic learning experience. One of the things I learned is that I actually have quite a lot of respect for the likes of Nigel Farage, who was able to create something mainstream, presentable and coherent from his nationā€™s craziest elements. It took him about a decade to do that. I also learned that no great political figure is ever going to emerge from social media or from just getting a lot of likes on their tweets. Even Donald Trump didnā€™t start like that.

I donā€™t know what form the political resistance will take in the autumn. Alan Kelly of the Labour Party has shown himself to be a very slippery customer, happy to follow the changing winds of fashion, so I think he might cynically turn OIUTF. Whether he will stick that course is doubtable.

Regardless of the political environment, the single most important weapon for our freedom will be personal civil disobedience. Prohibition in the US is the big historical precedent for all this.


One thing I just donā€™t understand is the idea of Level 5 during the summer. I thought that one of the few real successes of the early lockdown was the Staycation Summer. Why canā€™t they just do that again? I donā€™t think a Level 5 summer will happen.

Once the big dogs add their weight to the OIUTF side, itā€™ll be done.

Oh it does ya

what we have here is a societal shift, deep down some lads are happy to live with restrictions for the next five years or indeed for the rest of their lives

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Thatā€™s wonderful.

If zero COVID is the goal level 5 summer will happen

Iā€™m cutting mine again. Its not a good look. Cant head to the pub looking like this

Itā€™s like lads who get long prison sentences and after a while enjoy the complete abdication of responsibility for their life and cannot handle life outside of prison.

Some lads will be locked down mentally for the rest of their lives. Itā€™s fascinating to watch.


it will make a fascinating case study in 20 years time

2,000 the new fine for going getting a test, testing negative, spending money in a sector thatā€™s on its knees, getting another test and again testing negative and returning.

How many times would you have to be caught speeding to rack up a fine like that?

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Iā€™d say theres a serious argument going on in Moscow at the minute. I wouldnā€™t fancy trying to argue against seizing control of western Europe. Why would they even contemplate taking on lads from Georgia and Afghanistan when they could march all the way to dingle without firing a shot.

Stay close pal.

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cant see that 2k fine getting through, unless its after court involvement.

If all over 50ā€™s are vaccinnated for example, why would there need to be restrictions? Totally confused.

Because some dopey fuckers with underlying conditions will get sick and accuse the rest of society of trying to kill them. RTƉ will continue to have wall to wall coverage spreading as much fear as possible. The government will not go against Herr Holohan who will advise us of the importance of the next few weeks all the way to next winter. Then the hospitals will be under pressure again and we will have to lock down severely to save lives. And on and on and on. Basically we canā€™t have people dying needlessly any more so we must all strive to live forever.

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