Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Jesus Christā€¦ Have we no one, other than Ewan, willing to stand up to this lunacy? This is beyond wrong. Itā€™s verging on evil.

Serenity now.
Serenity now.

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I suppose when you were compliant and still getting blamed for spread of virus then youā€™re not really going to keep following the rules ā€¦Covid has really shown up how talentless the majority of our politicians areā€¦

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Thatā€™s been used several times on here and was coined by Duncan Jenkins.

Itā€™s not a pun either.

how are other countries dealing with this now? I try limit as much as I can about what I read or hear because what I do see depresses the absolute fuck out of me and I cant be dealing with this shit anymore.

I saw that Israel have outlined their reopening plans and given dates. This all based on falling cases and the vaccine being administered and first looks are that it is working. We obviously hear the fanfare about eh UK and how many they are vaccinating. But what are Spain, Italy, Germany, France et al doing now and what are their restrictions and reopening plans, if any?

Are we the only idiots who, with falling cases, coming out of winter and vaccine being widely administered, that we are talking about a fourth wave and lockdown in the summer and how we need to keep lockdowns going even longer? It makes fuck all sense to me. And Iā€™m not talking about OIUTF, Iā€™m talking about going back to the makey uppey level 3 type scenario or at least some other made up plan that they announce that gives something back to normality but not going around being stupid.


Great to see what vexes you on here :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

The vaccine is a spreading agent. It will makes things worse. Thatā€™s the conclusion Iā€™m coming to.


Level 5 until April as cases reduce and the vaccine rollout continues (even at a snails pace).

Christ almighty. This is staggering.

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I know loads of friends who say we need the restrictions but they break their 5k to meet me swimming or some of them even came to Achill with me.

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Weā€™re due a ā€œI know people are suffering, I am suffering, we are all suffering, etc etc winter something summer anywhereā€ speech.

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The Lord of the Rings film quote will be dusted down again.

Ive stuck on the lord of the rings here.

Duncan could have fit in well here.


I loved Duncan. He used to post the Liverpool team for a given match and say it was a ā€œhorses fuck horsesā€ selection to counteract the opposition.


Itā€™s an utter cod. This time last year we were hugging bottles of tonic water in sheer desperation. Now a new treatment with 90% effectiveness comes along weekly and we couldnā€™t really care less, and why would weā€¦
If it wasnā€™t for a multi million pound/euro government takeover of the media not even breda and mary would give a damn.


I know the Duncan story well mateā€¦ I was only being mischievous above. Iā€™m sorry if I upset youā€¦

I was talking to a fella in India earlier and he said thereā€™s no lockdown there. They opened everything up when they ANNOUNCED the vaccine. No one has it yet but they are all back bombing away regardless :grinning: He said they are mostly wearing masks alright.

They are running at about a 100 deaths a day at the moment in a country of one billion, so something is not quite adding up there. I donā€™t know whoā€™ll @KinvarasPassion will blame for his fuck ups when they are all dead in a few a weeks time

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Mickey Martin might go with ā€œI know people are suffering, but on the bright side Iā€™m heading off to the States for Paddyā€™s day, do you want me to bring you back anything?ā€


I see an auld asthma inhaler will do the job now. Some wheeze

Herd immunity. I put an article up about it last week.