Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

meanwhile RTE

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This is why I have been harping on about the use of psychologists in all of this. When we lockdown has to be in part strategic in terms of gaining the maximum effect. Recommendations from NPHET should have a large element of this thinking.

Take November 2020 for instance. We were clearly told by NPHET and government that if we locked down then, we could have a meaningful Christmas. There was a risk to such a measure though. By locking down early, if the cases hadn’t reduced sufficiently, there was a huge risk of non-compliance in December given the November lock down (we have taken our pain) and the fact that Christmas was coming. And that’s what happened. Granted there was no justification for the complete lack of compliance exercised by many parties during this period.

I accept though that the virus is utterly unpredictable and the latest and continuing lockdown aims to address that over 1,000 people have died of Covid since the start of the year. But I simply don’t think it’s good enough for professional people tasked with trying to manage this full time to blame the public for non-compliance when we don’t get the results we want when there are tonnes of research on the psychology of the herd when faces with different scenarios.


Think I will just get out of here for a few months so, Martin has just referenced the RTÉ documentary and is clearly pandering to the Liveline and social media set.

Outdoor activities should start in March. 2 more months of locking people up is insanity.


Absolute insanity. RTÉ are a pox.



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Christ. Is that Mary Wilson again?

Aine Lawlor

Best of luck lads.

That’s largely starting to happen now

An interview he could have done by phone and the two of them in the studio.


That’s not the end of lockdown though. That just means people will be hypocrites, saying they support lockdown and doing something else.

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It’s not and that’s a nasty dig at people… It’s clear that people have been compliant but there’s only so long they can sustain it. You need to be more compassionate.

That’s an outrageous question absolutely loaded with presumptions. Presumptions that are not even talking points elsewhere yet. Martin should have challenged it as such. FFS the one thing politicians know how to do is not answer the question asked. Martin swallowed it without a thought and did a little dance for her like a puppet on a string. Absolutely gormless.


There’s a load of kids out on the green nearby playing in the snow. I’ve called the Guards

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Aoife McLysaght will be seething that they aren’t doing their bit.

but holohan doesnt have that power. the govt at this stage would be as well to give holohan the same level of respect that they do to the Fiscal Advisory Council

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Is it not all KMX’s nowadays?


Yeah, I think it was last Monday when I said my personal worry index became elevated again. Just seeing people coming out of hibernation at the end of January almost. And it’s personal observations and anecdotal evidence from multiple sources that stack up and give a picture of how things are developing in general terms.

Like you, I’m seeing more tradesman on the go. A painter/decorator is doing a job next door for example. Or at least he will be until I call the cops. There’s the groups of kids on bikes (cc @Fagan_ODowd), large groups out walking/running/dog walking together (not just 1+1 other), people congregating outside coffee shops in large numbers having socially distant takeaway coffee and chats, a stream of traffic going up and down the Howth Road all day and particularly so during traditional morning and evening rush hours.

My theory is that people only truly give a shit when they think it might personally affect them or their parents or whatever. So the spike around Christmas put the shits up people and put them back in their houses (allied with January being a quiet month anyway).

Sure people are annoyed at the state of the health service and bemoan the pay/conditions for nurses and so on, but it’s lip service to a large degree.

A lot of these same people will still vote for the parties that have created the same shit health service and treat nurses like crap.

IMNVHO, they weren’t making a big sacrifice on behalf of the country and out of solidarity with the healthcare workers in some effort to keep numbers down and protect hospitals and hospital stuff.

They were more afraid that COVID-19 would come to their own doors. And now that numbers are coming down fairly rapidly, they’re not as fearful and they’re back doing all the things they were doing last October/November. That’s essentially where we’re at again - people out and about again but pubs/restaurants etc still closed.