Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

I’m not sure if people who want less restrictions calling for more restrictions is a good strategy. Even if there is obvious hypocrisy

Absolutely. The word should be that we are working towards significantly reduced restrictions by summer, although we may have to be wary of the impact of any new strains and of the seasonal impact as we come into winter again.

It’s not hard.

They seem to prefer to keep expectations on the floor, and then they can’t be criticised for any failures.


Travel is a complete red herring here. The airport is essentially dead. People leaving and people arriving have all tested negative. Increasing the fine to 2000 is absolute insanity.


If RTE cannot run their shows the way they wanted they’ll quickly see the error of their ways.

We need to hammer the hammer.

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That’s it. It’s what Varadkar did last summer - have this overly cautious/prolonged easing of restrictions and then soak up the adulation when they bring a few bits forward. They’ll have their acolytes then flooding social media and letters pages saying “they played a blinder”. Christ, remember that was the phrase getting bandied about last year. Anyway, I digress. Varadkar would have gotten away with it if it wasn’t for those pesky second and third waves. Martin is following the same path with his cautious and conservative utterances. He might actually get away with it this time. People are thick, have short memories and the vaccine should be a gamechanger.

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I just sent this to

I am writing to enquire as to why in an unprecedented pandemic, with the most draconian restrictions encountered in living memory imposed on the people of Ireland, your output continues on both radio and tv to include live studio interviews. Surely as the state broadcaster it is your duty to lead by example. In this day and age with the technology available there is no reasonable argument to say it is essential that interviews be carried out in person in studio. Only this morning you had the Taoiseach in the Radio 1 studios for an interview. Is there any reason this interview could not have been conducted over the telephone? Meanwhile the people of Ireland are expected to hunker down alone and at risk of penalty if caught more than 5km from their home.
Is it essential that guests travel to appear on the Claire Byrne show, The Late Late Show etc. To bounce around in plastic balls for example. What exactly is the “essential” reason this needs to happen.

I eagerly await your response.


That should be the word, but it isn’t and will not be as the reality is that they are NOT working towards significantly reduced restrictions. They’ve handed the keys of the farm to NPHET and there they shall stay.

They’ll ride it out politically as there is no definable opposition as the Labour, the Shinners and that gowl Shorthall are bending in whatever wind is blowing and have been from the start. An election tomorrow morning, for example, would change little.

Tremendous damage has been done to our state. I fear for the long-term impact of it.

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The U.K. are keeping the misery going over there to an extent as they want the make sure the vaccine works. @Biff_Egan also had an interesting tweet on travel, that some of it is because they don’t want boomers jetting off whilst younger people are left at home. You do hear positive noises there creeping out on reopenings, they will go for it when they can.

Varadkar and Co. are mimicking it but the problem is that we have a shit vaccine supply.

Any TDs we can raise this with @Copper_pipe

Let’s fight the restrictions by looking for tighter and tighter restrictions

If Martin goes to Washington for St Patrick’s day,

Irish twitter will self combust between those calling himself hypocrite and the “political junkies” saying it’s a vital visit “do you not understand”

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Ewan is the man to spread the word.

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Membership – Committee on Communications, Climate Action and Environment (32nd Dáil) – 32nd Dáil, 25th Seanad – Houses of the Oireachtas

once things start to effect montrose youll see a change in attitude

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I’m okay with Martin going. But no RTE “journalists” or hangers on should go.

RTÉ is the weak link now in this.

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Martin should be removed from office if he travels to Washington with the country in Level 5 restrictions.

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Causing a lot of anxiety for the 20%+ of our population who were born abroad and rely on travel, not to mention those who work in the sector like yourself.

But sure, we have to placate Twitter, create distractions and apportion blame.

It will take an airline collapse for some semblance of cop on to come back. In fairness, it seems like TDs are getting flooded with messages on it from concerned people, a few FG TDs the only ones voicing it going by last night’s Parliamentary Party meeting leaks. Shorthall et al will keep quiet until we get a few sob stories caused by the restrictions, and then blame the Government.

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The usual suspects will on twitter patronising everyone saying he needs to go to USA

Biden is probably most pro Irish President ever, he won’t shaft Paddy because he didn’t get a a bowl of bloody shamrock


Anyone with time on their hands willing to set up a twitter account to document all the non essential studio guests RTÉ have on #rulesfortheebutnotforme
Maybe Ewan or woolie could front it.

It’s not being done as a health measure it’s just for optics because they’re under political pressure.


That’ll learn em