Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

It’s vital to get a pat on the head from POTUS.

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Well I don’t actually work in the sector. I’ve never had it so handy at work.

But as an island, we rely on our connectivity. I’d imagine once travel does come back, there will be far fewer routes and options for people.

And that’s before you even consider the effects on tourism.

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Pretty much the entire opposition has now backed zero covid. Which is a stupid move from them, some have calculated that they can advocate it and never be called up on it and so it’s a safe place to criticise the government from, some have just swallowed the look aid and got it wrong.

Anyway, the government know there is significant vocal support for zero covid in Ireland. So they’re pandering to this by adopting cautious and conservative at their mantra.

NPHET are all the while shitting it they will be called to account for their disastrous performance on the first wave and have been ultra cautious ever since.

If I have time later I’m going to submit a complaint to the broadcasting authority about that fourth wave question. Hopefully there is some sort of grounds I can complain about it under.


It’s actually a fucking disgrace that MM hasn’t been vaccinated yet. It’s fucking embarrassing, they’re amateurs.

Archbishop Holohan is holding press conferences in person every single day and the cabinet can’t even meet. He’s on such a pedestal that no-one questions that.

Lob the vaccine into MM and pack him off to Washington, do it quick.

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it took a while but im glad to see you aligned with me in the finish

its a cod
go out and meet your friends and family ffs
meet neighbours and get kids playing, lead by example like the rest of us , drive this farce out



cc @glenshane

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Excellent, the media is populated with shills promoting infantile lies tailored for the lockdowners
When he started off by saying he could be more honest on a podcast…says it all really


It could be like the time De Valera went over to America to try and meet Woodrow Wilson and we nearly had independence under Collins by the time he was back including control of the printing press.

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Wearing 2 Johnny’s when she’s pregnant still makes fuck all difference

set the scene please for the weekly NEPHET briefing…


They cover an awful lot in it. Hopefully its gets a decent audience.

If that gets the go ahead by March we are home and hosed.

If Pfizer/Moderna/AZ and J&J all have their act together by April 1st, we should surely be out of this sorry mess by the June Bank Holiday?


Kate handled you the grandest there. Are you going to take that lying down?

What about non socially distanced leaving dos Kate?

She’s done her morning run and yoga class. She has dinner on in the slow cooker. She’s tidied up after lunch. I’ll be tasked with collecting the older fella from crèche and she’ll fire the younger lad in the jumparoo when the briefing starts. All the ducks are metaphorically in a row. She’ll have RTÉ News Now on TV and the press conference playing on her phone.

She’s particularly interested to see what Professor Nolan has to say about infection numbers plateauing around 800-1,000 per day and whether the English variant will likely keep us at this level for the rest of Level 5. She’s also been monitoring the weekly release of information on location of outbreaks and has expressed concern about the relatively high number in crèches - 27 three weeks ago at the height of this outbreak, down to 14 two weeks ago but frustratingly persistent at 13 last week.

This links into the English variant query. If crèches operating at limited capacity are still having the same amount of weekly outbreaks as nursing homes then it’s surely safe to assume that schools reopening will cause another spike. What will NPHET have to say about that? Are teacher unions really comfortable about returning at the start of March?

Overall, she’ll want to know if NPHET/the government will have the bottle to resist calls to open up the country when to do so will likely send us into a 4th wave.


Fair play to you… plenty here talk the talk over and over and over and over again but do nothing about it.

Who would one write to about RTE in general and their cuntish behaviour for the last year… I think a good lash of emails from the TFK massive are in order… Or maybe just one is needed to a well placed journalist with the gumption to write about their carry-on.