Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

In the real world, people who hated the government transferred that hate to Tony at the time of the scandal and were banging on about the HSE refusing to tell women they had cancer and killing them off. Thereā€™s was some very irresponsible reporting of what actually happened. The real world now sees Tony as a hero so arenā€™t shining a lens on him over that any more.

Iā€™ve been told in no uncertain terms if I present her with the Rocher on Sunday morning, there will be no dinner cooked (and the fucking boot full of em)


And the end of orangutans whose natural habitat in Borneo and Malaysia being wiped out for Palm oil.

She felt the need to include both Dr and PhD, the belt and braces approach to telling people how smart she is. What a fucking tool.

Thatā€™s the version I heard from a reliable sauce. Who spoke in hushed tones for fear of retribution from the Twitterati.

Iā€™ve three remotes at the minute so this could be handy

Control is a state of mind.

There is no spoon.

So thatā€™s why the Weetabix is on my top

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Iā€™m giving that a like just in case you were in danger of coming off a roll.

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Our little one has a vaccine passport. I thought it was a good idea because it highlights what needs to be done and when. Without reading too much in to it I guessed it was to keep the little ones safe from the likes of menangitis, measles etc but having read that snippet from some crank Iā€™ve never heard of itā€™s going in the bin.

a few have mentioned that specific covid hospitals or units should have been set up to help battle this. The Wexford People newspaper had a big headline about an emergency respiratory unit which would be bypassing planning in emergency status to be built asap. This was last October. I am also involved in a similar project in a different hospital, approx ā‚¬5m of a 2 floor unit that is specifically for covid patients. Its basically an extension onto the A&E department where you get screened upon entry and either go through to the main A&E or go into the specific respiratory unit. The unit I was involved in had 5 bay rooms, as well as emergency rooms and other general rooms for operational purposes. The upper floor, which could be fitted out at this stage or not had other treatment rooms and a scatter of general purpose offices.

there was a mad panic to get this designed and costed and have a builder in place and a precast construction to speed up the process. It had a 4 month operation build to be up and running. So this was all pushed through and then nothing. The HSE are just sitting on all these units in all the various hospitals across the country. And weā€™ve no reason why. Preliminary costs were issued so its not like the costs were a shock to them. Its somewhat typical of Ireland building decision making from the state though. We have a problem and need to fix it. Hereā€™s the solution. Now, maybe just wait for a another while and see what happens.

Granted, the whole thing could be a big pointless waste of time and money, but considering how much money they are squandering as it is, something that may help the problem and give some long term benefits to overall infrastructure is hardly the worst of things to do.

Theyā€™ll probably build these in the summer when its all over and everyone has moved on.


I have to make an essential journey to Cork this afternoon.

Iā€™m uncomfortable on many levels.

Any hassle, drop my nameā€¦ Iā€™m the governor round here these days.

It seemed like the most logical thing in the world to do. Iā€™m not sure has the horse bolted on this one though. It is really something that should have been done last April or May. It would have helped protect healthcare staff as well as non covid patients. But if this virus is endemic now and efficacy of vaccines at 90% and we ever hope to get back to normal, 10% exposure still leaves a lot of respiratory illnesses and possible admissions. If we are still fixated on cases or instances of the virus maybe it is prudent that they are rolled out. At least have a contingency plan for the future.

They spent a fortune turning ULā€™s sports arena into an emergency hospital, saw about 50 patients, closed it down and then complained about a lack of capacity in hospitals

Iā€™m expecting hassle, unfortunately.

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Tell them you are going doing Jersulema on a beach

Vaccine passports arenā€™t a bad idea overall. Iā€™ve them for my pets. But they shouldnā€™t be tied with travel etc.

come back paddy reilly shes not pregnant at all

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