Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

They are converting an abandoned hotel in Rosslare into a quarantine centre now too. Thatā€™ll be money well spent. I mean, with all those passengers flooding through in Rosslare, itā€™s no wonder weā€™ll never beat this. The continued fascination with outside travel which is not making a dent at all in the overall transmission numbers is mental. People travelling to these countries to get their dodgy dental treatment or whatever have to have a negative test before they are allowed leave. So whats the issue? Yet we have the majority of deaths and cases being transmitted in nursing homes and hospitals and we are going mental over the few lads fucking off on holidays

Why not? Seems a relatively straight forward request. Theyā€™re not forcing you to get the vaccine.

No, there just saying you canā€™t travel, go to croke park to see dublin win another home match etc

City or County? - Dirty day for a drive.

Citygate in Mahon. Grand here in Limerick at the minute.

So the decision is left up to the individual then.

Hasnt stopped raining here since yesterday - windy too. Mitchesltown way brings you in nice and handy tho youā€™ll meet guards coming in to the tunnel iā€™d say

HIQA still working from the office there?

KLM from Dublin to Amsterdam then onto Lux at 5 to 6 this morning. KLM, the fuckers, said in all the emails when I booked that either of a negative PCR or antigen test was fine to travel on.
Get to check-in only to be informed that both are required. Luckily thereā€™s an antigen testing facility in the North terminal of Dublin airport so I and many others had to get that done in a rush for ā‚¬89 before being allowed to check-in. Good thing I was there with plenty of time to spare.
Guards are just before you go into the security section, after the bags are checked in asking ā€˜is this your vehicle, do you have any idea what shpeed you were going, what is the purpose of your tripā€™.
Eventually land in Lux, get asked where I first boarded. When I said Ireland the poor woman who asked me nearly screamed but kept her composure long enough to tell me I needed another test there and then if I wanted to avoid quarantine. Grand says I and I was directed towards a lad who asked where I came from. Ireland said I and he stuck a red paper wristband on me. Had the test (nose raping) and had to wait 15 minutes for the result which was grand and this one only cost a tenner.
I was the only one waiting with a red wristband. The rest were watching me like a hawk in case I went anywhere near them.
Stones of a morning.


Ireland so riddled with Corona virus that the rest of Europe have to have special measures in place to receive us and paddy at home canā€™t shut up about the need to keep the foreigners out. You couldnā€™t make it up.


Our numbers are surely down enough now to warrant an orange / yellow wrist band?

I donā€™t get this at allā€¦ok morally you could argue itā€™s wrong or whatever but surely these people are as safe as anyone as they have to have test to get back in? the brits are making everyone check into a hotel for two weeks when they land to quarantine .surely thatā€™s mental if theyā€™ve already been tested ā€¦

Apparently not. Didnā€™t matter that I had negative PCR and antigen (only 6-ish hours old) tests from Ireland either. Weā€™re lepers.

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Great story, well told.

that it exactly. Have a look at that RTE tweet with their 40% going abroad for dental treatment and you have all the Karens there saying anyone on those flights should be publicly named and shamed. I knew people in general were thick cunts, but fucking hell. Asking that the guards ring the dental practice where they have booked in. The guards are already wasting their fucking time over this shite, ringing El Doctoro Nicko in Tenerife to make sure Paddy has a filling to be done in the morning as well.


Iā€™d love to ring in some day and tell Joe Iā€™m over in Lanza having a ball and Iā€™ll be back next week and no quarantine. Just to hear the meltdowns


That Rosslare idea is like the time the Gardai set up road blocks when the IRA lads escaped from the Joy in a helicopter ā€¦


Move along get along go move shift.

A return to the old daysā€¦ No bats, no dogs , no Irish.

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Guys am I coming across like Niall Boylan, Ian Oā€™Doherty and Ewan MacKenna when I say my patience with Leaving Cert students is wearing thin? Just fucking study as if youā€™re having the exam and if itā€™s an exam then great. If itā€™s a mix of an exam and calculated grades then your study will surely prove useful too. If it turns out thereā€™s no exam and itā€™s all calculated grades then youā€™ll just have to get over yourselves and the wasted study. Treat it as a sunk cost. But ffs these precious little snowflakes constantly whining across all media platforms about the uncertainty has pissed me off. Many of us would like certainty about a whole range of things during this pandemic but weā€™re getting on with it. Annoying, entitled, little bastards. Now could someone admit me to TFK Nazi Clique? @ironmoth? @Tierneevin1979?