Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

It was set up during the teachers strike of 2001 or so, a group of nerds moaning about having the odd day off school.

Iā€™m sure there is a serious overlap with University Student politics participation.

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How are leaving cert students even on your radar, you weird little bastard? Are you having a midlife crisis?

Basically cervical checks are unreliable regardless of what you do. Tony didnā€™t want the report because nobody would understand the issue like Tony.

While a defence of Tony it would make Tony seem a bit of a megalomaniac, which would certainly fit in with what weā€™ve seen since.

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Its a check and not a diagnostic like an MRI and so open to interpretation and not a definitive answer for each of the women involved. They probably should have had a second one within a relatively short time frame like 6 months. The reason why being if it was ambiguous and if they can retrospectively go back and look at smears again and pinpoint the problem then an extra control or check would have mitigated false positives. However we outsource all that to medlab in US. Would be more efficient if we could do it inhouse. That is my understanding of it but open to correction.

Whenā€™s the babba due?

Might have been posted beforeā€¦
I found it funny anyway.



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Looks like Joe Biden has stood Micheal Martin up. No invite to the white house and will most likely take place virtually instead.


Champ will be seething.

Delighted, the cunt will be sickened.


Heā€™ll hate that alright. It was supposed to be his big moment. Concerted media campaign behind him. Of course many of press corp would have been able to accompany him over. I think it was always going to happen this way especially given that Biden swore in his cabinet secretaries virtually in the last month.


Why are they stopping people leaving for fillings, surely the stop should be on the way in until you tesht negative after a few days holed up in mosney.

People once left for gold in the streets, now for gold in their teeth.

Proper order.
No doubt he will try and spin it as a joint decision etc

He wouldā€™ve 100% went ahead with trip if President Joe hadnā€™t snubbed him


He will try to spin it but he was going yesterday come hell or high water. He was adamant he was going if invited. He could have saved himself a lot of hassle.


He really will be. Iā€™d say he had already picked out where to stick up the framed photo of himself and POTUS Biden back home in Cork.


This could not have played out any better.

What a fucking riddy.


He can take a screenshot picture on his laptop and get interflora to deliver the shamrock now instead. He is stuck here with the rest of us.

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I hear they have good dentists in Washington DC

President O Biden delivers again :clap: :clap:



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