Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Has Professor Philip Nolan put the law of diminishing returns into his models yet?

Numbers still plateauing at the 800-1,100 mark.

cc @TreatyStones

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Need to stop testing people unless theyā€™ve symptoms.

Everyones locked down and wearing masks so it shouldnt make a difference - best way to flatten the curve nearly 12 months later.


Todayā€™s figure disappointingly high and I note Ronan Glynn urged people to be careful this weekend so Iā€™d say thereā€™s a level of concern that compliance is waining and cases are plateauing


The Denmark experiment filleted, eviscerated and ripped the bowels out of any justification for lockdowns. The lidtf outfit could previously have sought sympathy or let on to be simple. Now itā€™s just criminality.

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Ah lads. Are any of you seriously buying into this shite

Padraig Harrington making a positive low-key contribution to; what is i believe to be known colloquially as the OIUTF brigade. No bother with the covid, met Bill Murray and had his tastiest ever curry on the journey so far. He watched 18 hours of Mindhunter in two days, and enjoyed it too.

Going from 5km to 10km could be chancing it.

Brendan Oā€™Connor is one boring cunt.

How is he still writing in the Sindo.

*post above is completely retracted.

Handy piece, 200 wise ass words about the trivialties of culchie middle-class life in Dublin. Heā€™s the closest thing to a Kerry Keane they have.


ā€œNervousness in governmentā€ about going from 5 to 10km . We are truly fucked.


Brendan Oā€™Connor is an irrelevant gobshite.

I donā€™t buy the paper but his schtick was terrible 10 years ago, presume its worse now.

ā€œWe are not a cat, weā€™re just tiredā€ - fucking hell.


What devious form of subtle point making are you employing here?

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Thats a fair point.

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Completely. He won a lot of hearts/more interest where people buy that paper the most, when he talked about his daughter with autism.

Heā€™s doing very well figures wise on RTE 1. Keeping the Marion listeners and going 10/15 years younger.

Iā€™d say heā€™s an insufferable cunt.


Jesus in the house was a banging tune to be fair to him.

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People are sick of this lockdown bullshit.These numbers are a cod.90% of these covid cases are people with colds/fluā€™s.Leo and co have had theyā€™re last lockdown.Folks wonā€™t stand for another one no mater what new ā€œstrainā€ they find


Its almost like the HSE want the vaccine rollout to fail

Itā€™s Downes Syndrome the daughter has. Brendan did write well about that. Heā€™s still an insufferable cunt though