Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

I find this a bit ridiculous ā€¦we have so many EMEA head quarters here who service the region so there is so many different nationalities here ā€¦weā€™ve proactively enticed these companies to come here ā€¦ what happens if those people have to travel home for a funeral? They are treated the same as lad who goes to Tenerife to get his gnashers cleaned ??

Exactly. Predictions are not facts. People who make incorrect predictions repeatedly should not be listened to, certainly when it comes to public policy.

To answer @farmerinthecity I donā€™t think things would have been any worse. Iā€™ve no way of knowing. Itā€™s also not a binary choice. Everyday of lockdown does severe damage to the country. That has to be considered


Long covid is our only hope now

It was some crock of shit in fairness. BBC presenters seem to have adopted a tone of childish condescending scolding these days. Itā€™s working on the majority of the population though

What we need is a system to track and trace future mutational variationalisms with a view to preemptively curtail a variety of possibilities. Itā€™s our only hope

I never disputed that lockdown is horrible.

But in December we faced a situation where peopleā€™s lives were in immediate danger. Action simply had to be taken.

And I donā€™t think its reasonable to say ā€˜I have no way of knowingā€™ when it is as clear as day to say that if we didnā€™t take action towards the end of December many more people would have died, given the degree to which the virus was rampant in the community.


Thatā€™s true. But the action has all been negative action. No proactive measures taken to get ready for vaccine roll out etc

Peopleā€™s lives are still in danger but Holohan has gone against WHO and the government vaccine committee on the AZ vaccine. Nobody questioning that at all.

If you are going to shutter business and lock down a country and limit civil liberties then you need to operate on things you control as the HSE at 100% and not talk shite about transition weeks.



You are the forumā€™s leading cherry-picker. Anyone pro-lockdown is to be worshipped, but anyone anti- is a grifter. Simples, right?

As an aside, a lot of people consistently miss a key point about living with viruses. Due to their genetic nature and wide host-range, novel strains will continually emerge, as they always have done. These viruses mutate and herd exposure (i.e. through the healthy population getting exposed and building immunity to the current strain) is an important strategy to ensure that future mutations do not cause catastrophic implications for us. In short, we evolve with viruses. If we attempt to break this evolution through a fallacy of stopping exposure to the virus (i.e. locking down the healthy population), the end result could be disastrous.

Now, if you fancy getting your exposure through an experimental biologic, more power to you. I donā€™t.


Show me a clear example that this is ā€œas clear as dayā€

The same thing happened in places with no lockdown


The whole of Europe implemented restrictions to piss us off as opposed to stopping the spread of a highly contagious virus that kills a section of society not to mention the pressure it brings on health systems. To think people still refuse to accept this despite the obvious evidence. :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging:


Iā€™m not very happy with that. The % positivity rate is creeping up.

You know this is what I love about you mentallers. There are medics all over the world looking at the best way to deal with this yet they are all missing something that some random punter on an obscure GAA forum thinks is basic. Whether it be on a graph or an old 3 line calc on excel ye have the answers.


Tony Holohan vetoing the NIAC call on AstraZeneca, or issues with vaccine roll out, does not change the fact that there needs to be tight restrictions at the moment.

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Mentallers? Anyone with a different opinion to you needs a label, right?

What do you say of the experts that disagree, medics and otherwise? Are immunologists, virologists, cellular and molecular biologists, biochemists, bioinformatics specialists, etc. mentallers if they disagree with Ronan Glynn and Tony Holohan?

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Guys I think itā€™s unlikely ye will find common ground today. Leave it there and try again tomorrow


If you need a ā€˜clear exampleā€™ to support that comment then God help us.

Iā€™ve heard plenty of sceptical medics on RTƉ radio, but obviously youā€™re gonna hear more from the other side because the vast majority of medical doctors favour the strategies that have been implemented and in many cases want more draconian measures,
You have very strong feelings about this, I respect that, but itā€™s nonsense to say that both sides donā€™t get a look in on radio and in newspapers, I wouldnā€™t be able to comment on TV

Thereā€™s always a right time to make a deal .