Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

There was an unprecedented gloabl effort to get a vaccine done. It was always going to be done quicker than what they were suggesting.

Why not?

Ah here.

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The numbers and cases and the ā€œdying of Covidā€ versus ā€œdying with Covidā€ makes any debate on what would have happened guess work. Some level of cocooning and some restrictions was warranted.

Now that cases are falling and given seasonality of respiratory illness then not relaxing the restrictions and opening schools is obscene


I remember a big outbreak of scabies when I was in UL. It was comical people avoiding anyone that itched themselves

Thatā€™s a very strong word.

We are coming out of the worst period of the pandemic. Hospitals wedged, 1,000 people dead. You may have your views on restrictions but to call the maintenance of restrictions at this time while the hospitals are close to the first wave peak ā€˜obsceneā€™ is a bit of a push.


Donā€™t hold your breath. The truth is they they love the lockdown, theres lads having the time of their lives

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When are we implementing the policy of quarantining all arrivals in a hotel for two weeks ?


Donā€™t crack now lads. Youā€™re nearly there

So no lockdown would have resulted in the same number of deaths?

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If I have a pain in my toe, mistime a step down a steep stairs and take a fall resulting in a neck break what way is my death explained?

Death from or with Covid is Death ffs.

Travel bans donā€™t work according to Holohan. Nor masks.

He may have changed his mind on these issues again.


Is it basically an admission that they expect the vaccine is useless agains other variants ? Just seems so draconian if we are nearing the end game ā€¦

Is paddy as much of a top top bloke as he seems or does he have a dark side like Michael mcnamara?

Did you see him last night @backinatracksuit? Look back if you didnā€™t a great spokesperson for your profession.

They wonā€™t give up control easily. Vaccines exist so we should have a plan to open back up society. The messaging now is more negative than last year.

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I donā€™t know him but from what Iā€™ve heard is a very decent bloke ā€¦Iā€™d say heā€™d have to have some edge to him to control my he ā€˜mun massif that were under his tutelageā€¦

No, Tomas Ryan says the vaccines have to be ahead of the new variants or we can never open up.

I assume heā€™s an expert in vaccines

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