Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

That is the argument. But the best way to protect the vulnerable is a lockdown. Otherwise, you will have rampant community transmission which will impact them hugely, depending on the degree to which you open up society. The argument is to essentially let that happen to get us out of this in the long run but there is no appetite for that level of death and hospital impact.

The vaccines are here and hopefully the good news around them continues.


Your argument is not helped by incessant lying, or ignorance, or both.

The UK has had strict restrictions including repeated lockdowns since late March last year and went into their most recent lockdown before Ireland. The US varies by state, but states that have had longer and stricter lockdowns (California) have done no better than states that did not (Florida). Brazil has a lower death rate than France, Italy and Spain, countries with much stricter lockdowns.

In short, your statement is utter nonsense.

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No country has pursued a herd immunity strategy.

Where are you getting this?

I got a fair whack of my Super back without a word. Transferred back to Ireland within a week.


By vulnerable you mean vulnerable to Covid and ignore all the kids and people in poverty or with other illnesses both physical and mental.
They are vulnerable too but we’re only interested in things viewed through Covid prism.

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So what are you suggesting - don’t protect the vulnerable from a clear and present threat?

I am not saying there aren’t other vulnerabilities but a clear life or death threat will always trump the others.

Efficacy rates of various vaccines. Israel seem to be showing 92% -94% efficacy with Pfizer 2 dose vaccine. Astra Zenica seems to be around 85% - 90%. Novavax 80- 89%. Societys exposure in general will probably be weighted by how many doses of each are distributed so on reflection vulnerable groups exposure is probably really a lot less that above.

I’d say fellas with no rent to pay or business loans are doing alright. If they are with FBD better still again. Alas I am none of the above. Once the grade gets spread around there barely enough left for me to buy a jambon.
Re the 5k thats the max a business can claim via CRSS. In order to get that amount you’d need an average weekly take of 50k from 2019. There wouldn’t be too many pubs out the country doing making 50k weekly I’d say but if @Bisto heard it it must be true


I’d say you’re talking about a handful at best around the place. The sort of fellas who dont need it anyway. Its a bit disingenuous on the industry to be claiming they’ve no interest in going back. Any publican I know would jump at the chance to reopen.



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Your take on what happened in the UK is laughable. You conveniently ignore their initial herd immunity approach favoured by the mentallers. They implemented restrictions long after the horse had bolted. Anyone with an ounce of self awareness would have gone quiet after making the ‘done with Covid’ claim but here you are, still pretending you are itk.


The Government has been told by Nphet that daily Covid-19 cases could drop to between 100 to 300 new cases a day by mid-March, with about 60 patients with the disease needing critical care at the same time.

According to modelling carried out by the National Public Health Emergency Team (Nphet), if the country can maintain a reproduction number for Covid-19 of between 0.5 and 0.9 for the coming weeks, “we remain on track to have 200-400 cases per day by March 1st, 2021, and 100-300 cases per day by March 15th, 2021”, Mr Glynn wrote.

Under the same assumptions, there would be between 500 to 600 people with Covid-19 requiring hospital care and 70-100 such patients in critical care at the end of February. These figures would fall to between 250 to 400 people requiring hospital care and 40-60 in critical care by mid-March.

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My strategy? You’re mistaking me for someone who thinks they are an expert.

How many is 0.3% btw? You can round to the nearest 500.

People who make incorrect predictions on a changing virus?

@Bandage could have told them that a month ago.


There must be a huge number of those tested now who’ve been positive? Positivity rate doesn’t seem to be dropping under 5%


He’d be happy if 249 per week died. Rounded to the nearest 500 that’s zero so he’s actually pushing for zero covid.

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