Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

If we were testing 20,000 a week then weā€™d only have 3-4% positivity. The fact we are only testing close contacts, hospitals, care homes is surely the reason we canā€™t get below 5%.

More utter nonsense from the siteā€™s resident village idiot.

The UK announced their first lockdown on March 23rd. Italy was the earliest on March 7th, France on March 17th, Ireland on March 27th. If you think the difference between these dates made any difference to a virus that was already spreading in those countries since January or earlier you are a bigger idiot clown than even I could have imagined.


Of their near 117k deaths, over 100k have occurred since mid April 2021 which is well after their dalliance with herd immunity ended.

Whatā€™s the story with invermectin? Iā€™ve just seen a bit on twitter about it

I remember early last year there was a guy on here who reckoned he had some expertise in epemiology and viruses and so on. He reckoned Ireland would have maybe a total of 2000 deaths as a result of Covid-19. He stopped posting for some reason. But in any case, he was pretty badly wrong with his expert prediction.

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This is a fair argument.

As the husband of a Nurse said to me yesterday, what is the effects of this isolation on the populations immune system? Is it leaving us open to worse effects going forward of the common cold and flu.

In saying that above, he was completely in favour of restrictions as cases were out of control and Hospital staff under severe pressure coping.

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Great stuff for mange mites.

Whoever he was he was pretty close. Compared to the London Imperial college at least who predicted 35,000 deaths.


So you agree with my original statement that there are some publicans getting 5k?

Lot closer than McConkey and Gerry Killeen in fairness.

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Kids wonā€™t be building up the natural immunity to the things they usually get when they start going to school. Presumably they will just have to build it up later. A lockdown is a blunt instrument but until the vaccine is delivered to the vulnerable groups and while case numbers are high it is necessary. All the more reason to move heaven and earth to get the vulnerable vaccinated asap. The question of course for Governments is: what is an acceptable number of cases/fatalities for society to bear when releasing lockdown. Bottom line is we are chasing out tails until the vaccine is delivered.


If you stopped testing close contacts youā€™d only b testing those presenting with symptoms, if say your percentage of positives would be higher then.

Iā€™m talking about our resident expert at the time. He reckoned 2k total. Thereā€™s almost double that now and itā€™s far from over.

Statistics isnā€™t your strong suit is it. Which is closer to 4K, 2K or 35K?
Take your time.


Will there be as much interest in overstretched hospitals from the LID merchants when thereā€™s no chance for likes or to condescend to others?


Sounds like he was having a mental breakdown at the time the poor lad.

Unfortunately the rollout is just too slow. Thereā€™s already signs of fatigue, we could hold it until the end of March but weā€™d still be very short of over 70s vaccinated. Let alone over 60s.

Itā€™s a tricky position to be undoubtedly but something will have to give in the next 6 weeks. Schools are a start but outdoor activities need to resume as well.

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In Neil Fergusonā€™s case he has made these sort of predictions on several viruses now.

Sounds like he was pulling figures out of his arse. So he probably is an expert