Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

I can do 11pm-1am


There are people who are suffering during the pandemic, we can agree on that.

However, if you don’t care a jot about the life of the elderly then it is unlikely you care a jot about the livelihood of the poor or their mental health.


I wouldn’t be into it now but you’d basically have lads wearing festival attire on at the back of house parties. My generation were still focused on bull rounds inside in the icon before getting kicked out by the bouncers if we spilt a drink.

I wouldn’t be fully sure what would be the main drugs in use but they would be various.

The current raves usually have some lad with an ac Milan 1992 jacket, sunglasses and flowery pants playing techno remixes to a couple of hundred out the back of a house.

Lot of young lads thinking their legends dancing to their new found love of techno. Some steam heads trying to fit in a lot of the time.


There was an old lecturer that lived out the back that used to often call in for cans in one of the boys houses. All welcome in college court.

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I can empathise with them, That was me in 1996.

I’m fascinated but this revelation. I wonder do they throw on a few 90s classics


I still have my white gloves, hi vis vest and whistle from the mid 90s rave scene… Would I look out of place tipping away on a bit of vicks?

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Go onto eBay, buy as many 1980-1990 sports retro jerseys for underneath the vest and you’ll be a legend on arrival.

Even though young people think they are being individual they are really all the same.

Blow blow the whistle crew… Blow blow the horn crew.

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I knew a lad who’d bring the whistle to Docs nightclub in anticipation of this popular tune from the hit parade and annoy the fuck out of people


Would these young lads be big GAA men?

Docs eh? I thought you were only a pup?

Some of them would.

Docs/Trinity Rooms, the Globe and the Gallery were the places to be in my era.The one place I never made it to was Termites

You’re older than I thought so … Early 30s? Termites was some dive.

Costellos is the greatest show on earth.

Docs and Tropics were the late night hotspots back in my day Tropics used to do the slops of chicken curry or chilli con carne late doors😭

Mollys was the best place in my time, though Trinity Rooms and the Icon were also frequented at times. Into Kebabish afterwards then to help with the clean out the following day.

Old or New Molly’s, that’s the real deciding question as to how pigeon-hole you here.

I’d go late 30’s by the sounds if those venues

Yeh we’re talking the 98-04 era.
What happened to the Trinity Rooms site?

Mid 00s