Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)


Was in college court late 1990s, it was mighty craic back then, has it remained so in recent times ( pre covid)? cant be any\many families left residing there?!

The Indian government were piping in George Lee and Claire Byrne to the masses and had them literally shitting it.

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Was talking to an Indian colleague today. Said that everything has gone back to normal in India except that the employees of multinationals are still WFH. A few months back he said that everyone he knew in his social circle had had it.

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You can’t spell “vindaloo” without “in da loo”


Open the curry houses.

Fergal Bowers stopped clock moment above. Tremendous stuff.


Very tough for any of the lockdown weirdos to grasp the dichotomy of covid, as you say being a rich persons pandemic, demanding lockdowns and then going around calling people granny killers.


The government/media have done a lovely job of having a few scapegoats every now and then to give people someone to hate. Pubs not serving food was in vogue last year. So far this year it has been holiday makers and now it’s changing to college students. I mean, none of those groups are contributing to the numbers in any significant way but it keeps people distracted from the nursing homes, hospitals and meat plants.

We’re all in this together.


I am Stephen Ireland

Personal responsibility?

Yes, I get it. You’re very concerned about the elderly. And you consistently misquote what I said as “let it rip and kill the old”.

Your tendency to ignore key points about lockdown is overwhelming at this stage. You are clearly in the lucky cohort whose basic and psychological needs are being met during this time, and that gives you a fundamental advantage to help you survive a lockdown. For many others, they are highly damaging events for many reasons outside of the obvious economic issues they cause. Lockdowns result in extreme social hardship, possibly not for you or me, but for millions of others worldwide.

Maybe take a look at Maslow’s “A Theory of Human Motivation” when you get a chance, and let us know how far up the hierarchy of needs you see yourself. Then compare that to someone that has had their job, their social interactions, etc. stripped from them. The lockdowns have meant that there is a growing group worldwide that are struggling to have their basic needs met, and are struggling to get by. 150 million people worldwide will go into extreme poverty because of government decisions to go into lockdown. More children are facing mental health crises, stress and anxiety than ever before because of lockdowns. More people are facing major health issues due to delayed medical care.

From the start, I have referenced the potential long-term impacts of lockdowns on society. It’s not a “mentaller” view. Many far more qualified and competent health care policy advisors, social scientists, and economists have flagged these deadly issues.

Is it fear, laziness, both, or something else that attracts you to the simplest form of statistical analysis that the CMO seems to constantly defer to?


They’re the same people that lied to him about stopping the spread. “We need to stop the spread”, we were told. They lied. You cannot stop the spread of a virus. You can simply delay the inevitable.

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I suppose this is about as plausible an explanation as anything else

Winston Tarquin.


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Ya Tis still the centre of college living in UL.a few normal people live at the front but very few out the back.

It’s not a perfect place to raise a family with raves a few nights a week and lads/girls straggling home at all hours. I was there before the big rave scene really dominated in the last 3-4 years. Spent two years there. Great times.

How big would the raves be?

Three or four roasters wearing bootcut jeans.

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Nah, you have to look good for the 'gram these days. Like these guys

Are raves back? Can lads in their 40s with sensible haircuts/apparel just turn up and dance?