Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Ewan ewan ewan. Fighting for the truth


Poor @Mac

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Tony knows Ewan’s after him now.

We are entering the endgame


It literally says in the letter he put up a picture of, that the Department of Health has the records and since Ewan has already but in an FOI with them, they are closing this one.


Always said someone will make serious coin off covid. We know luke o neill did but at least he’s a positive alright sort

You’ve said this a few times now, O’Neill had his money made before COVID,
Whatever few bob he makes for media appearances won’t register

The big sale of the company he was involved in was after all the media appearances. My opinion has turned on luke and I like his positivity around the vaccine when his peers in the media are rolling on with the fear. Hes a genuine sort and fair play to him

Ewan is closing in

I expect NPHET to try and silence Ewan

Grope a woman: 2000 fine and no jail.
Break quarantine: 4000 fine and jail for a month.


@ironmoth listed a similar situation that John bull is implementing

Every day this goes further into insanity.


Where is Luke from?

The Florida - California example is a good example of the level of frustration this Coronavirus brings.

I do believe Ireland and it’s shit underfunded & poorly managed health service would have crumbled without restrictions.

From evidence available it now appears restrictions throughout last summer were still too intrusive for the level of disease in the community.

But, it’s a pretty hard call to make not changing up strategy heading into Flu ( winter ) season when all known evidence here in Ireland is a big spike in infections & hospitalisations.

I’m concerned at the free ride the Nursing home sector seem to be getting throughout each wave.
It is fair to say some are being managed brilliantly with low case numbers & in some cases none.
These privately ( and profitably run ) care facilities seem blame free when residents are just obliterated by this virus.

I do believe that Travel issues are being totally over egged now by media but they seem either blasĂŠ or plain afraid to question a sector where a huge % of deaths have occurred.

I’m interested to hear your thoughts on the died “ with “ or “ of “ Covid arguments being thrown about.
Personally I think it’s unfair to reason that an ill or frail person who dies with Covid seems a disposable number compared to someone with a so called clean bill of health dying from Covid.


The staff brought it into the nursing homes at christmas but not a word.

Ah lads.

Jesus Christ.

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It’s not as if a legislation making body could change the law.

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On top of killing grannies OIUTF people want to increase homelessness. Check mate blueshirts. Leos plays 6D chess

Surely no one is staying within 5k though?

Deaths during this pandemic are evidence of the indiscriminate nature of Covid 19 - intro to RTE News report. Caution urged about vaccinations then

Ends with a coffin in a hearse.

It’s parody stuff now.