Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

What do you mean? I havenā€™t gone outside it, I donā€™t have to.


Please lodge a complaint with them. I urge you all to lodge a complaint with them

Ive gone well over it numerous times. Meet no guards.

A few of examples of health service pertecters in the thread there bro

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You need a break from mainstream media, mate. Seriously

Do I have to scroll back?

Iā€™m not the one under the bed pal. Iā€™m able to look at it through a detached bemused lens.


Iā€™m lucky enough to be well out from any bed, mate.

Noted. Theyā€™re on the listā€¦ Mike is too far dug in to let go tho.


Mike is swinging at everything that moves and refusing to answer straight questions like has his own pay been affected. Heā€™s in survival honey badger mode.

Harry means weā€™ll heā€™s just fighting the wrong battle. Of course the health service is in bad shape, as always. Theyā€™d want to right it before an actual pandemic hits


I followed @glasagusban lead last week. I didnā€™t hold back. I have contracted local TDs as well for whatever good it will do. If there was an organised credible protest tomorrow Iā€™d be there. Its outrageous what RTE has succumbed to in recent times and equally how cowardly our government is.


Time has come to storm rte and hang tubridy out front. I have an elk head dress a Fenian flag and some body paint ready for action


Good manā€¦ Thatā€™s three of us.

The Munster Boyz are some men for action when others are talking.

What a warrior you are mate - sending emails from your comfortable little mid 30s middle class bubble life - give it a fucking rest.

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Ah lovelyā€¦

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Tubridy is wiping his hole with a printed version of your email mate, laughing. You gonna just sit there and take that?

Iā€™m not too botheredā€¦ It got poor @Enrique worked up , that will do me.

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