Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

What’s relevant is that case numbers are dropping like a stone since mid January. The US is down from 300k cases a day to 70k cases a day, the UK down from 70k cases to 12 k cases a day, and Ireland from 8k cases a day to less than 1k cases per day. That translates to the % of the total population testing positive dropping from around 0.1% a day to 0.02% a day.


I didn’t no. You can use stats to suit nearly most narratives. I think hospital cases are a better barometer than the positivity rate.

Just a regular January / February so?

Friend of a friend doing this survey as part of their studies, if anyone has any interest.

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They are falling too. What’s your point.

We’re more of a leading indicator than lagging indicator chat board to be honest …

Weddings are only a cod.


Would you put that down to adjusting the pcr hoax or season fluctuations?
(I’m assuming a lad with an IQ of 386 isn’t wearing the idea that lockdowns are to blame)

I reckon it’s down to Joe Biden becoming Pres.


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The thick plottens.

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John will have them hopping like sausages on the twitter machine.

There must be some lads out there making a solid fortune out of this

I’s say the virus has been stunned a little by the rapid vaccine roll out and has retreated to have a think about it’s next move.


Some lads are, some lads aren’t

It is a serious adversary.


Chippers and general takeaways.


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Tony Holohan’s wife has passed away,



0.1% of the population, i repeat 0.1% of the population, of that 0.1% what % actually got sick aside from a mild dose?- as regards actually dying, are we in nonsense territory then from a numbers perspective?
someone , anyone, please tell me why these restrictions were needed on children and business?

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