Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

They’ve changed the criteria for testing multiple times and large sections of people not exhibiting symptoms are not being tested. It’s an arbitrary figure that holds little to no meaning. You can’t change the criteria for ICU admissions.


Queen to d6, you have him there


I made the mistake of not diversifying my portfolio so lost a fortune. I’m not too bothered though. It’s the owner of the local coffee shop I care about. I’d be selfless like that.

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919 cases last Friday

about 16% better

How is it better? How do you know we’re in a better place simply by ‘case’ numbers?

We’re a year into this and we’re still looking at everything the exact same way. Putting value in daily numbers and positivity rate and what not. There’s no truth in any of these numbers and as as long as we put value in them then the wider framework and narrative doesn’t change.

The daily numbers are a cod.
The positivity rate is a cod.

My zen is slowly becoming a cod.


What’s the latest lads??

Get fucked you cunt

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Are you creaking from deep down in your knickers now too?

Nah I’m ok bro.

Did 10 minutes chanting earlier. Did me the world of good.

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few people in hospital, couple of over 80s sick as you’s expect in any flu season as they didnt take necessary precautions 
minute % of people have the virus, most barely get a sneeze
country is shut down still for some unknown reason

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Ireland needs a new political party and you are the one to start it. You already have extensive experience am setting up meetings.

Fuck those macro pencil pushers staffed by the freaks and mĂ© fĂ©iners in college who you wouldn’t be seen dead talking to in a bar. The people need an alternative

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You’re bang on with a lot of that. I’m more of an ideas man than a lead singer tho
 But the cowardice from our politicians this last year has to have most rational thinking people vexed by now.

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They just want to be re elected to their cushy numbers. All of them. Whether that’s the established parties relying on their myopic lifelong lickarses or the newer ‘left’ promising all sorts to people to get them to vote with no intention of carrying it out. And twitter feedback now overrules principle.

It’s very disheartening.

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I gave this a like for the RIP sentiment. This is to clarify that I’m not chuffed about her passing. The condolences section of RIP are mini-eulogies as the country goes into mass mourning. It would appear that the late Dr. Holohan was in fact a daughter of the former Dublin city manager Frank Feely.
SĂșaimhneas sĂ­orraĂ­ d’anam uasal.


Is Frank Feely from Carrick-on-Shannon?

No. His father was though.

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You’d nearly get used to doing fuck all

I wonder did anyone learn a language