Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

You’re twisting. I just pointed out that there are a number of factors that someone might consider. It’s a personal choice in relation to one vaccine. You’re making about all vaccines while dismissing people who’ve made a personal informed decision as ‘anti vaxxers’.

I might have missed you already saying but will you take the vaccince yourself mate?

I doubt it. It hasn’t been subjected to the usual trials, its viewed by many as still in an experimental stage etc. The various governments have been dishonest or ignorant- they’ve been all over the place with regards to transmission, yearly boosters, herd immunity etc. There’s always the immune system, vitamin d, exercise, naturally acquired immunity, herd immunity etc.
I suppose we’ll see all sorts of incentives, restrictions, threats etc, its almost as if a deadly pandemic isn’t enough of an incentive…
I dont think these intrusions on free movement, autonomy etc should be taken lightly. I hope the politicians and experts advocating passports etc will be held to account


The drip feed is pissing people off now. I think @Biff_Egan already said it, but I don’t understand why they can’t specifically link “reopening” to numbers in hospital, in ICU and vaccinated. They’re like deer(s) in the headlights since Christmas and petrified to do anything. All the leaks they’re planting so far suggest that the revised “living with covid” plan won’t have any firm commitments either. They want to wait and see generally how things are.

Despite this, Martin’s doing his media tour lately and casually dropping in estimated reopening dates for different industries from day to day. Today it was hospitality sector, midsummer at the earliest, RnaG. It’s like Cluedo for the cunt.

His ten advisers have seemingly told him not to use the term “level 5” either. Do they think people prefer him being more vague on the one hand by referring to “significant” and “severe” restrictions continuing, while simultaneously announcing industries will be kept shut in such a blithe manner?

He’s an arrogant tool too. He then takes the moral high ground and says he doesn’t know why people are getting annoyed, his messaging has all been perfectly consistent and clear.


Some lady on the news here saying we need to redouble our efforts to suppress the disease - what the fuck does that even mean. Fucking horseshit.

They have the mass vaccination centres on now. If they can cram dozens of vulnerable people into a single room INDOORS I should be able to send my kids swimming so they’re actually tired on a Saturday evening. Fucking hell.


You’ve been excellent in the last couple of months mate. Putting a human face on the struggles of young families in this insane lockdown. I urge you to redouble your posting efforts in the coming weeks so that lockdown fetishists like @Bandage come to their senses and use their Twitter profile to end this madness sooner than later.


Kids are gone feral, up until 11 every night. I can’t get shitfaced in peace anymore.


Indeed I see they have already revised upwards the end of Feb and middle of March figures substantially. Vaccine may start to take effect in about 4-6 weeks though, as it appears to have started in UK. They have their lowest estimated r number at any point in last 12 months.

Very disappointing to see lads unwilling to redouble their already double-doubled efforts (exponential growth in efforts? @EstebanSexface confirm please) in these hard times

I would bring the two bhoys swimming at least twice a week. We miss it so much.

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Throw him a can and be done with it.


1 (One) thousand and 13 posts in about a week about this,I dont know how ye manage it

An extra half hour on the gable working his weaker side


For sure. I forced ours into a few long walks this week as the exercise regime had gone to pot since Xmas… Huge difference, asleep by 10 and not a stir till 8.


The calpol usage is off the charts in our house. We went to a different pharmacy today to avoid judgment.


Would you chance a few wet suits and fuck them into the sea? No idea what age yours or your proximity to the ocean but they won’t feel a thing and they’ll be wrecked after it.

The tan vaccinators are desperately trying to keep pace with the seasonal decline, to the point where they’re even going with the “good news…the first dose gives almost total protection” explanations…I think I saw some lad parroting this line here? It’ll make selling the second and third doses tricky though, thank fuck for the new variants.

Paddy is taking the longer view. By holding off on the vaccinations he can credit lockdowns with the declining numbers. But it’ll mean some sort of vaccination uptake/prisoner exchange…so no pints til August

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I see Pearse Doherty says that a travel ban should have been instituted for Brazil, the tolerant left have really covered themselves in glory with this kind of thing. I can’t imagine the progressive millennials will join the dots on how wrong that would be.

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Tremendous optimism on Sky News tonight.

John Bull is continuing to knock it out of the park.

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is there a hint on the news there that we are going the wrong direction again!

5 day new cases average up ever so slightly