Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Have you been in discussions with your union about going back to work in the classroom at all?

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Yeah I was really hysterical there alright good man.

This is your response to what exactly? Just another random dig?

Many teachers are already back in the classrooms, most returning in a couple of weeks.


People have been so conditioned by the media they have lost their ability to engage in critical thinking.

things like the 5km limit which is completely arbitrary and applies to a person living in Ranelagh or Roundstone and takes no account of population density is accepted without question as almost science based when it’s a number picked out of the air.

It’s the same deference to authority albeit manifested in a much less malignant way that allowed institutional sexual abuse happen unchecked for a generation in Ireland.


Christ almighty - you need to get a grip.


I’m just wondering are you back in the classroom doing your job that you’re well paid for by the taxpayer is all?

Its hardly an INTERNET jab.

You prove my point.

I’m sure you are well aware of the situation regarding primary school teachers at the moment.

Many people who post here will know my circumstances and where i work, you seem to think you do so I’m a bit surprised to see you ask that question.

I’d be happy to discuss my circumstances via PM if you are interested

My inital question was have you been in contact with your union in terms of getting back to the classroom.

You pontificate about everything else - I didnt see you mention that is all @backinatracksuit

What’s the situation with them?

They seem to be shielding


I was talking to a primary school teacher in a rural school today who was saying 2nd and third are in the same class. So if second go back and third don’t who’ll teach third :thinking:

I’m sure a lot of smaller schools will have similar issues

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I’m assuming some lads are acting here and on the wind up.

Shielding from doing a days work.

I blame their unions to be honest.

You’re an awful cunt.

Ranting and raving while working away and saving a small fortune doing so.

Goway to fuck.

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As I’ve said, and the same is true of
@glenshane who also appears to be very interested.

Send me a PM and i will tell you whatever yiou want to know, I have nothing to hide but I’m not fully comfortable with discussing certain aspects of my professional life here on a public forum.

Please go this route next time rather than trying to do whatever it is you are here.

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Needy behaviour

Same peoples ancestors were probably informing the Dublin Metropolitan police and G men in Dublin Castle of who was involved in the Easter Rising and their ancestors probably drank the soup. History has a habit of repeating itself like that.

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