Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

The big risk is not necessarily the vaccine passport. The big risk is that people are sufficiently scared and conditioned now to allow a perpetual planning ā€œfor the next pandemicā€ by public health doctors who are interested in no other metrics.

The HSE are in charge of hospitals and Covid is in hospitals. Theyā€™ve moved goalposts to now try and continue lockdown to protect a health system from non Covid related issues that they mismanage - linking lockdown to waiting lists is crazy. Itā€™s also crazy that we face stricter measures than last year when no vaccine or way out existed.

Micheal Martin has been a disaster since he took power. Heā€™s weak and Iā€™d hope FG pull plug on the government if they plan to move lockdown out when hospitalisations are not at a level to remotely justify it.


people bent down and accepted LDs , in fact the sense of stockholm syndrome was so bad here in december people actually wanted more restrictions
with a background like that why wont people request and approve of a vaccine passport, shur arent we ā€œsaving livesā€?

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This is a stupid attitude to how society should run.

Leave aside that we know a great many will be adhering to the restrictions to the letter and will be left behind from a growing ā€œProhibition attitudeā€, policy logic and outcomes are important.

If people are increasingly meeting other householders in various contexts, you are losing any public health dimension to it. Whilst you ban stuff, people will lie about what theyā€™re doing. Furthermore, if they can meet in a park then why canā€™t outdoor markets go ahead?

The further and further we push out reopening dates, the more likely it is that some people will stop paying attention period. And the activities will be driven further and further underground. Saying to people to stay at home until Easter is cracked, mimicking a ā€œwell sure they can get the boat to Englandā€ type attitude is worse.


Are the bars open on boats?

The booze cruises might make a comeback since everyday is like Good Friday.

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Open the pubs and close the hospitals


So you think the associated legislation will be definitive, time limited and related to this virus or this vaccine? If this goes through governments will have signed their citizens up to something which is effectively compulsory but with implications which arent understood

I find it really interesting that we all thought weā€™d never fall for the tricks of the past and people sneered at control the Church had and wondered how ordinary people allowed facism/communism to take hold.

Once you pump out a message on media and create fear you can make people do pretty much anything. Iā€™d accept it as maybe reasonable until vaccine was developed.

Continuing it since then and actually ramping it up is worrying.

Maybe when the Covid Tax is on peopleā€™s payslips alongside USC people will think with their pocket.


Well then maybe stop getting hysterical over something you made up so.

Lovely addition of scapegoating sections of society, like holiday makers or students lately too. A lovely tag line of ā€œin this togetherā€ whilst the exact opposite is happening. The advent of lockdowns is a terrifying development in the western world

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Two more years, two more years!!

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In a group with a few more like minded men in there mid 20s. They are obviously sick of it but not even bothered to discuss it or protest about it. It seems to be too much bother for all of them.

Itā€™s a sad sign of the modern youth and people in general.

Its only going to get worse too.

The majority on here will be relatively unscathed. Youā€™d genuinely fear for the next generations though.

QR code for this and that, while wearing a fucking useless mask.

Mass every Sunday and the odd fast day wasnt so bad at all.

Weak people.

Your generation have nothing in ye

In where?


Weā€™ve a weird set of priorities alright. Virtue signalling liberal views while handing liberty over to unelected tech magnates, scientists organisations and forums.
Traditionally students would have led protests against authoritarian governments, but their collective focus has been steered towards trans issues, the crimes of bygone centuries and battles that have already been won. Besides theyā€™re all stuck at homeā€¦the government will introduce passports before the universities reopen, just in case.


Outdoor markets can go ahead, Iā€™ve been to a few recently.
I have no problem with people meeting others outdoors. The option is intolerable, but I feel Iā€™m sensible about it. Most people are similar I feel.


WhatsApp group kid. Men from all four corners. Few inter county footballers not bothered with their careers slipping away.

With Tony Blair behind it - what could possibly go wrong? @glasagusban

Travel is only a minor piece - according to Tony Blair anyway.