Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Philip Nolan on the news here. I couldnā€™t bring myself to listen to him as Iā€™m depressed enough but weā€™re a year into this pandemic and people still donā€™t fucking know how to set their webcams up. If youā€™re doing a presentation of any sort, elevate the fucking laptop so the camera is at eye level. If these kind of lessons arenā€™t being learned how the fuck are we going to learn how to deal with the virus.

He also had a suit on - again a poor choice. You only wear a suit for a virtual meeting in very limited circumstances, otherwise you look nervous and end up looking like youā€™re giving far too much respect to the other side.

Anyway, Iā€™m off to bed. A new week. Same as it ever was. Goodnight and God bless.


You whinging about me whinging (I wasnā€™t whinging) is ironic. You know where the ignore button is pal.

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Good man indeed. Stop making stuff up and then screaming about it.


You have very limited intelligence for a guy who has such a high opinion of himself.


Heā€™s the self claimed top five intelligentest poster on TFK.

My understanding is that it is only ones that have food can do so.

Not everyone is like you or I. Some will take it more seriously, some less seriously. Once you lose the middle, you lose control of the policy. Nolan and Martinā€™s comments were tone deaf and will lead to less people adhering to the rules, and in a more pronounced way. Why would a 25 year old bother their hole keeping to restrictions now that they are told they are there until the summer?

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Likewise. The young lad is doing well now that he doesnā€™t have to stick to the next book in the series regardless of whether its appropriate. His teacher feigns concern and is sticking to the facade that she ever had a clue or interest in what he is capable of.
We get a weekly email telling us what the theme of the week isā€¦and to write down what they seeā€¦and draw a picture. That sort of bullshit.
The lassie in secondary school has a couple of teachers who are making an effort. The rest generally provide a few links to a youtube tutorial or a bbc bite size revision guide. Thereā€™s a limit to what they can do in fairness

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The evidence would not support that assertion.


Teachers, RTE, government officials, virologists, civil servants, Bill Gates and dancing doctor/nurses (in that order) have come out the worst with regard to their behaviour during this pandemic, youā€™d have to say.

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Better days are ahead.

We are closer to the end than the beginning

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Iā€™d agree.

But, if you live the now wishing for a better tomorrow you will struggle to be truly happy.

Iā€™ve seen too many go before their time so I enjoy everyday as best I can. Try to stay positive when shit is hitting the fan.


Thatā€™s a wonderfully concise summation of the whole fandangoā€¦if I could suggest one addition it would be modellers

I donā€™t personally blame the modellers too much, as our elected officials are duty bound to assess their suppositions and then toss it out due to being absolutely useless on all previous evidence. Theyā€™ll slot in handy enough at no.8 on that list though, we should probably round it out to 10.

Breda and nuala?

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I donā€™t remember anything specific about not attending exorcism?

Seems like vital work to me

They probably got mixed up when the government put out a call for epidemonologists

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