Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

The devil is in the details

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Mirror seem to have inside track. Below is what will apparently be revealed in a new framework for loving with covid next week.

Lockdown Ireland: Government’s new Living with Covid plan to ‘signal’ return of sports and outdoor activities

Senior Cabinet sources have told the Irish Mirror that the revised roadmap will feature a commitment to getting people active outside as soon as possible.

Government is set to “signal” a return to outdoor sports and other outside activities in the new Living with Covid plan.

Taoiseach Micheál Martin will present the revised plan on Tuesday, which it is understood will be a “cautious” one.

Following public outcry after the Mirror revealed that restrictions are with us until the end of April, the Government is worried about the effect this could have on our mental health.

And senior Cabinet sources have told the Irish Mirror that the revised roadmap will feature a commitment to getting people active outside as soon as possible as part of this.

Golf, tennis and other non-contact outdoor sports and training are all going to be considered as part of the next step in reopening the country.

The understanding is that people need some hope after Taoiseach, Micheál Martin, infamously revealed in an interview with this paper on Friday that “significant restrictions” are with us until the end of April.

But, as one minister put it to the Mirror: “people will go crazy” with nothing to look forward to, and although no dates will be mentioned in the plan, sport is being prioritised.

This tallies with what senior NPHET figure, Dr Philip Nolan, said when he told RTE’s This Week that some form of social mixing is required to help people “stay sane.”

He also said we need to prepare for “an outdoor summer.”

Sadly, there will be no reprieve for business in the new plan, with most businesses to remain shuttered for months to come.

The same can be said for hospitality, with all pubs and restaurants to remain closed until at least June.

And travel limits of 5kms for everything except essential travel are expected to remain locked in place for the foreseeable future.

A source told the Mirror: “Schools are the first priority, we have to get that right first and then we will see how we go.

You can only exorcise within your 5km.


Fucking modern day living and governing by kite flying.


A government by straw poll. He who shouts the loudest

I’d say you could setup a twitter farm with a thousand accounts and be basically running the country by the end of the week


Don’t be giving me ideas.


Legalise IPTV

That’s left me shaken.

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We’ve nothing else to be at for 9 weeks or so

:grin::grin::grin:Ladies and Gentleman I give you Sam McDonkey. And there’s people who take this guy seriously.


It’s incredible. Put up a kite, see what way the wind blows and then change policy accordingly regardless of whether you believe it is the right thing to do. Martin is an absolute cretin and an idiot. What did he think would be the reaction to him saying we’re staying locked down until May regardless. A fucking moron.


The replies would suggest Samsung McDonkeys Star is falling

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No sign of the other 19 after the first idea was ridiculed :grinning:

This is like when Heaslip asked Twitter if he should launch a podcast.


10 or 12 or 15 sq metres per person is a fair plucked out of the air range of numbers

He wants construction closed as part of zero covid but seems to totally disregard the fact we have a chronic shortage of housing supply. So bad that co living accommodation was one of proposed solutions.

If the pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that doctors are experts on every topic you can think of.


I’d don’t say this lightly and it’s some competition. But he might be the worst Taoiseach we’ve ever had. He’s over taken Cowan. I guess Haughey for the corruption would be his main challenger. At least he had a bit of persona about him. Mickey Martin is just so shit in every possible way.



Would you really need to read the other 19 if that was what he rolled out first. They want a buffer zone for border counties but no one seems to know how enforceable that would be.