Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

How so? People are in doors so a lot less accidents and drink related deaths. Probably less murders for now also but the next 2 weeks will tell a lot on that front. Lockdown stopped the spread of Coronaā€¦ Is what the death rate in Ireland can be interpreted as.

You could interpret it that way. I wouldnā€™t.

I donā€™t have any data on Sweden at all, hopefully @Tim_Riggins explains itā€¦ But if Sweden had itā€™s worst death rate in 150 years and Ireland had one of its lowestā€¦ How do we explain it? @Tierneevin1979 might know more. I was shocked to read those facts. Canā€™t be right.

I think that the Flu rate has gone down to practically zero. Deaths by cars/vehicles were at 149 in 2020 in comparison to 140 in 2019 and 129 in 2018. Canā€™t find suicide rates for 2020 but there were 421 deaths by suicide in the Rep of Ireland in 2019 which was 16 fewer than the year before.

Thatā€™s all I found.

Well Iā€™ll take your word that you read it.

I had read that Sweden had a worse flu season a few years ago but that information could be out of date. Sweden will not have the same post-lockdown issues we will have (not to the same extent anyway).

I would have assumed in a pandemic with a deadly disease circulating every country on earth would be having its worst year in some time.

See above

Is Sweden the only country suffering a lot of deaths? Are they faring worst in Europe? I know @mikehunt has a complicated algorithm which states which countries you can and cant compare Sweden to in relation to this but they seem to have done better than some, worse than some.

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I havenā€™t been following the fortunes of any other country ā€¦ I just found it alarming that Sweden had done so poorly. Iā€™ll wait for the lads who have been following this to comment.

Could you log this on the things you wonā€™t hear on rte thread?

Itā€™s been done to death. If you can show me a metric that says Sweden has done really poorly Iā€™ll read it. Every bit of data Iā€™ve found has them at mid-table in europe and they managed it without imposing draconian measures (that will have very long-lasting effects) on their population.

Iā€™d say your mate is on the money as far as tony is concerned. But Ireland/ the uk/ western Europe? They were great places. Take the euā€¦travel, study, shop, work wherever you want,in places with hundreds of years of culture, scientific advancement, enlightenment, emancipation, equality ā€¦relatively speaking of course.
But weā€™ve royally fucked up, weā€™ve handed the whole damn thing over to a bunch of shysters and twitter windbags with no real concept or appreciation of any of it.

I suppose it was too good to last.

Huh? What does it matter to Sweden if they did a little better than Germany or Maltaā€¦ They had their worst death rates in 150 years, thatā€™s the only metric theyā€™ll be concerned withā€¦ Iā€™ve no idea what the future holds for anyone so I wonā€™t throw in anecdotal emotive language to hold up any argument or points.

Iā€™d imagine they will be concerned. If they were the only country on earth with a high death rate it would be far worse that if it was just them.

Even ignoring future consequences imposing draconian measures on a population should be avoided. We could lock everyone inside indefinitely and be safer but we dont. A ship is safe in the harbour but thatā€™s not what ships are for.

What will shift matters is the Brits. When they look across the water and see things back to normal with Covid at an acceptable level then public outcry will demand they move to that level.

Hello sailorā€¦

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AK47 not sparing the timber on Stephen Donnelly here.

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Itā€™s time to rejoin the commonwealthā€¦ We need out of Europe, theyā€™ve humstrung (sic) us enough over the last decade or so.

A united vaccinated Ireland by 2022.


Zero Fade or Zero Covid.
You canā€™t have both.